Wings of Guidance

One Hundred Angels

I was driving on a parkway as I usually do and this day
I felt tired.

Out of no where this bird swoops down in front of my car higher than my car
and he flys as if he is guiding and protecting me as I drove.

His heart spoke to me.. "Stay alert, let me guide you for a while"

I felt blessed and special that this solitary bird chose me to guide,
as he was just above my car and yet not in any danger.

God gives us all signs if we only have the open heart
to hear and see them.

With Love,

6 Replies to “Wings of Guidance”

  1. Oh, yes, that He does! It is so wonderful to see you writing this. So many people talk about signs, but then either focus on what they want to see, or focus on some not-really-achievable expectation for what a “sign” would look like. That which thrills our soul is a message to our soul, and the naysayers be … well, they can go somewhere else.I remember a woman I knew who was praying about whether to go on a mission, and finally asked for a sign. Within 24 hours she had found a tiny little picture nestled into her carpet that she had no idea was there. It was an image for the shrine she was contemplating to visit. Did she drop the picture herself? Yes, of course she did! We’re not talking magic here, we’re talking signs from God.So now, Fatimah, I must confess my own “sign” thing, on my own blog. thank you,Ken

  2. HI Ken,I have many times asked for “Signs” and 30 minutes later I would get them but not all the time only during life changing situations .. Ask and ye shall recieve.Thanks for reading and expressing I shall see your blog now Fati

  3. Hi, Fati,It was so wonderful for you to get a sign. I am happy about that. I also get signs, but in a different way. With love, Ramute.

  4. Hi Ramute,I knew you would get me on this :)signs come in many forms not only as I get themThanks for sharing alwayslove Fati

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