Deer Crossing

Right close to my house as I was driving
to work I get this …….

To me the sign of slowing down and enjoying the
beautiful weather and the long day ahead of me..

I did just that, drove slowly and enjoyed all that
mother nature gave me today..

I had a great day !!!

With love,

4 Replies to “Deer Crossing”

  1. I experience similar events almost every week. I truly love to see nature on display right in front of my eyes. It humbles me every time.

  2. Very beautiful. Congratulations! Mother nature is with you as one. Great Mother Goddess, on behalf of whom I write the words. With love, Ramute.:)

  3. Hi Ramute,Thank you for speaking on behalf of Mother Goddessit’s means a lot to meloveFati

  4. Hi Duki,I like to see this from the house window not my car windowI had a deer land on a brand new car I had in 2001, only 3 weeks oldthe car that is :)Thanks for reading and commenting Fati

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