9 PM Tilll I Come

9 PM Till I Come

'Till I come
Change it and say
'Till I come

'Till I come
'Till I come
Change it and say

'Till I come
'Till I come
Change it and say

'Till I come
'Till I come
'Till I come
Change it and say

'Till I come
'Till I come
'Till I come
Change it and say

See you at 9pm

10 Replies to “9 PM Tilll I Come”

  1. :yes: MINE TOO..I love ATB anyway but this song is like WOW Thanks for enjoying Fati

  2. Hi, Fati.wow, the post is hot. But the photos are beautiful and express woman’s sexuality, as woman feels it and wants it. It very differs from men’s perspective, as it is expressed in “Play boy”, for example.Thank you that you dare to show such pictures on woman’s sexuality. With love, Ramute.:)

  3. Holy Crap!I’ve been away too long.:)Very interesting perspective.Made me smile:D

  4. Hello Ramute,I knew you would see it this way as I posted it for those reasonsyou stated here,yes women are sensual and not a toy like Playboy makes them lookthank you my friend for always seeing thru the photos and songslove to youFati

  5. HI Dave,I have been waiting for you .. it’s almost 9pm :DI am very happy I made you smile I was hoping you would see this from work and have your mind wander for a while lolWhere were you ? Fati

  6. Hi Andreu yes it’s one of my favorite songs there are a few versionsof it as well this one is my best..thanks for enjoying and all your visits I guess you are caught up now 🙂

  7. Where was I?I got lost trying to get to your place by nine.:)I’ve been traveling far and wide trying to find you.I’ve been on a horse, a mule, a Lama, covered wagon, hitching and more. (couldn’t find a camel, dang).Damn! I wish my thumb had that navigation software, would have made it much easier.Then I realized……..9pm happens every day, yea!I’ll keep trying……Warmmmmmest regards. :heart:

  8. HI Dave,that is so funny thanks for giving me some smilesbefore 9pm it’s 8:53 now :Dthanks for always giving the sunshine:heart:Fati

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