We all need some humor while driving.
I guess this is why they created these funny signs
other than great maketing ideas 😀
Am I right? She made you smile 🙂
I remember those days …. ummm 60's
:yikes: GOODER????
Got your attention didn't it?
Marketing works no matter where you do it..
Thanks for smiling,
You’re right. I did smile. 😀
Ha ha! Very funny. I though the first one was very good – makes me think of those car and bike magazines with the half-naked women. That’s all it takes to turn them into best-sellers :)love,JCL.
Hi Dr,I knew it would 😀
Hi JCL,I thought the same thing I use to read biker mags for the bikes not the girls :Dthey were always half dressed.Thanks for viewing :)LoveFati
Yes, these advertisments are realy cute/funny. Thanks for posting, Fatima. With love, Ramute.:)
HI Ramute,I remember seeing Signs in Egypt and enjoying those however,they weren’t funny but some were really nice.LoveFati