The Power of ONE

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They say it takes a village, maybe now it does however,
many years ago it only took one man to end the Vietnam war.

I was watching a tribute to a great journalist

Walter Cronkite who is now 90 and has changed the face
of news reporting for most of his life.

Cronkite at 90..

Gave young people a perspective on what a great man he was and is today.

Walter Cronkite was known to be "The Most Trusted Man in America"

"It is…remarkable that one anchorman, one reporter, one journalist…could really affect the political fate of the country…but they didn’t call Walter the most trusted man in America for nothing."

During this tribute to Walter they showed President Johnson watching as Walter denoucned the Vietnam war and at this point President Johnson said, " If I have lost Walters respect, I have lost my countrys respect" it wasn't to long after that the war was ended.

So in my opinion, it was the Power of ONE that changed the face of America and if only we had someone as truthful and dedicated to doing what is RIGHT now maybe our world would be
in a differnt place right now..

Thank you for reading and I do hope you check out that site it's a great read.
Also, on the left side is a video please view it .. You will see what kind of man
Walter was back then and now..

I grew up with him and there has not been another great reporter since.


2 Replies to “The Power of ONE”

  1. One more remarkable man you write about. In Soviet Union he would die in KGB celllar. It is only 17 years ago we regained our right for free word.I am so happpy about situation which is now in Lithuania despite many mistakes our politics make. With love, Ramute.:)

  2. Hi Ramute,Thank you for understanding how great a man Walter was and today is still.At 90 he is fully functional still sailing and loved by so many and it was so wonderful to see a tribute while he is still alive.In this country USA they ususally give tribute after they die :(I know you are right about the Soviet Union, USA was based on Freedom of Speech this is why I get upset with people who wish those who speak freely would move out of USA like Rosie O’Donnel.Here in USA we all have the same rights, even now on TV they show the illegal Mexicans protesting on the same streets they want to gain citizenship in and the USA allows this.This is FREEDOM OF SPEECH, not just for one but one for all.Love to you in your freedom,Fatimah

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