Rules For Being Human

I found this video to be full of "WISDOM"
and of course wanted to share it.


Turn your speakers on there is wonderful music along with loving words.

Enjoy with love,

9 Replies to “Rules For Being Human”

  1. I have played this in Fire Fox and I did not hear the music however, in Opera it works wonderful 🙂

  2. dang! i was hoping the lessons might slack off a bit at some point.:) but seriously, this was lovely and now i’m old enough to appreicate the truth in these words.

  3. Hi Michele,Lessons never slack 🙂 life is full only those who learnwon’t repeat them :)Thanks for enjoying

  4. Hi Ramute,Thanks for letting me know about the music, at first I didn’t think it had music until I opened Opera. There are so many more on that site I hopeyou will enjoy them all.LoveFati

  5. Very wise and relaxing. Thank you for sharing. With love, Ramute.:)P.s. I heard music.

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