Doctor Toons

Nothing Else Matters

I had a horrid day and need some ha-ha 🙂
I am getting confused now working with so many
companies and all having some kind of computer
problems or quirks in their reporting systems and
making double work for the reps and making me
insane :yikes:

Enjoy the TOONS… I sure did !

But at the end of the day I come home to my friends in Opera Land
and feel the comfort of the hands that type to me and the virtual
hugs I feel from all of YOU..

Nothing else matters…

Love to all,

2 Replies to “Doctor Toons”

  1. The last is the funniest to me. It is not so easy for me to understand American humour. With love, Ramute.:)

  2. HI Ramute,I liked the second one and I understandabout you not understanding the American humorI do enjoy doctor jokes since I don’t have health insurance and these jokes do make sense to those without.Love Fati

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