Food Banks

I had a wonderful chat with this lady
I see on Fridays in this store that I service.

I had to ask her if she was connected with a food bank,
since she was wheeling out a huge cart of baked goods,
vegetables and fruits.

This lady was very happy to talk with me and explain
how and why they do the food bank. All efforts are
volunteers, none paid and even their own gas is used.

I had a wonderful chat and found out that it's better to
give food banks money then to buy them food.

They get food at a distribution cent for .16 cents a pound
no matter what the food is..

The store I was working in today is Hannaford, they donate the
day old store baked goods and also fruits and vegetables.

I always thought food would be a better gift however,
after chatting with her I now know they can use the cash more
and it's all regulated and they also get federal grants.

I would never have known if I didn't ask.

I think I made a new friend she was really happy to speak
with me also 🙂

I thank the volunteers for helping those in need and to dedicate
their time and expenses to make sure everyone has food.

Thanks for reading



4 Replies to “Food Banks”

  1. What an interesting system. WE don’t have this, since in my country we have early capitalism. Wtith love, Ramute.:)

  2. That’s a great idea. I guess with food there’s always the chance that it will become spoilt (since it is perishable). But with money they could always channel it into whatever they need, when they need it.Volunteers do great work – and it takes so much personal committment to get involved in a cause.Take care, sweet Fatimah!Love, JCL.

  3. Hi JCL,This country is on it’s way of becoming 3rd world and the morevolunteers we have the more help we can offer and receive.I have always said the USA is spinning out of control since GWB has taken office and now the politicians are confirming my thoughts they too are saying how the USA is turning into 3rd world.I live in an area of rich people and those who have really don’t give much this lady even said this to me those without give more. Always looking for stories to write about and to help any effort as long as it’s for the good of mankind.Thanks for readingLoveFatimah

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