The second season of Hells Kitchen has started and it proves to me
it's going to be really HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!
This show is addicting and the more you watch it the more you want.
I don't know if it can be seen outside USA however you can check the
website and follow the characters whom are fighting to own their
own resturant and gain a 225,000,000 salary.
Burning for MORE 😀
I saw the first season, and I would never want anything bad enough to work with that guy! :no: :chef:
Whomever can cut the mustard with this guy deserves to win and will surely be successful.:)
The harder the boss the better the employee usually turns out to be.When I managed my first resturant so many quit but the ones that stayed became better in their jobs ..He is hard to make them excell and to get to his level.Dave you are right.. they will deserve their rewards.Thanks for readingFati