Then and Now

In The Arms of Eternity

My friend Arif always sends me such wonderful PPS files
and some to ponder and some to laugh and yet some to cry.

I found this PPS file to be moving and truthful and also
thoughts to ponder the ……..


Iraq Freedom?

How much longer ?

with love for humanity,

12 Replies to “Then and Now”

  1. And it is XXI century…How long it will continue? I think that humans need some shock in order to begin to see what is going around. With love, Ramute.:)

  2. We need to love our children enough to protest and demand change.Where are the protest? 🙁

  3. Thank you all for viewing this profound PPS file,I started to cry seeing the then and now photos,I know how beautiful Iraq and Iran is and even nowLebanon is getting torn to shreds. I can’t wait for Bush to get out of office and thenand only then will we see a change.Love to all,Fati

  4. Very sad!As we know Amiricans are trully brutal.I am an Indian I never support american thoughts.They know how to devide one another.They never try to join one another.These photos show the dictatorship of America.And all other christian countries follow americans.Because I am an Indian and also Hindu.I know one and only one thing and that is “Live and Let Live”These words can’t be found anywhere except India and Hindus.Religion is not my motive but, humanity is my motive and I use to say everyone”Live and Let Live”

  5. I understand your point however, it’s not the AMERICANS it’s only one person Pres Bush.. he is the one who created this mess and I am sure he will leave it for the next person to clean up after him.You are mistaken the American people are very generous and caring it’s only the govenment of this country that is causing these horrors not the people themselves .We want the men back home and the killings to end now.Thanks for commenting

  6. Hi Fatimah G!It’s not true that Americans are kind persons. President Bush has got everything which should be in an American. Perhaps, U hv forgotten senior Bush did same thing in early 90s. Ronald Reegan and many other American Presidents were not different from Junior Bush.Bush is not totally brutal. He did good works also.Osama Bin Laden, Taaliban were also dictators in the side of Religion.But, u can say that they were dangerous for american countries.Bush/americans are totally selfish.They do anything only for themselves.So, don’t think that Americans are kind.

  7. ok I wont discuss this further we all have our opinions and we are all entitled to our own .I don’t force you to believe in my beliefs and you don’t force me to accept yours.Thanks for your commentsFatimah

  8. Hi!Fatima G!I am sorry!for my comments.Perhaps, these hurt u. But my intention not to hurt u. I donh’t like americans.I don’t force u to agree with me. Because, u r my elder.U hv seen the people more than I hv.And now, I close this chapter.Pl. don’t mind.I am totally new in blogging, so i can’t understand, what should be written or not.See you.

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