From A Distance

Earth Spirit

I went to lunch with my sister on Saturday
and from the booth of the resturant across the street
was a deer with her baby in the thick grass.

I forgot how to use the zoom on my cell phone camera
however, I did get a shot of her hard to see but she is there.
In the middle of the two large bushes you can see the light brown.

Then as we drove home I took a side road and this is what we
came across seeing …
The family of Geese were walking towards a beautiful pond.

How nice to see the family doing things together…

Just another day in Paradise….


10 Replies to “From A Distance”

  1. Hi my friend nice to see you here again, I know you are busyand I am hoping once your exams are done we can share more time.Missed you this Sunday I wasn’t feeling welland watched KYLE XY all day long :)see you soonFati

  2. Hello Fatih, wish could have more time to explore around your blog, but you know how I am getting busy everyday. Loved the picture of the geese, it is so tender.Greet’s

  3. Amazing, God’s gift to you. 🙂 I struggled but didn’t see the mama deer and baby..but I thought I could see a faint outline. No matter, it is still something that you experienced and wonderful.:heart:Sarah

  4. Isn’t it just beautiful to see the wonders of Gods creations all around. You are such a special person to see the majesty in such simple things that most people take for granted. I hope you are feeling better. EMC

  5. Hi!Did you notice something? One goose is before his/her mother. :)(*or only my mind tricks me – lol 🙂 )Anyway, they are cute. 🙂

  6. Great Mother Goddess rewards and blesses you for caring about all her children, both big and small. With love, Ramute.

  7. Thank you all for your comments and caring,the deer is in the middle of the brushes it’s brown and you can’t see the figure but you can see the outline.We always have the booth by the window it’s bright and cozyand quiet and my sister was facing the window and told me about the deer so I got my cell phone out to take it’s pic.Driving home the geese were on parade and heading towards this man made pond.. it’s a lovely parcel of land and my sister thinks some actor .. maybe Van Desiel owns it since the store he ventures into is not far from that place and it’s taken care of with love.The family of geese is just a sample of the beauty I see each day and this is another reason I love my job I drive so much I get to see sights many don’t due to sitting in an office.Music, nature and life :)What a job!LoveFati

  8. dear Fa Ma, U only can find pleasure in those little things, So lively. Aniruddha.

  9. Thank Buddha that no one came along and ran over the with their auto.Guess I’m still bummed out about the moose.:)

  10. We are all in shock over the moose since we hardly see them in our state.I see now so many dead squirrels :(I hope the baby won’t run out in traffic as they do sometimesI did see a few dead babies last summer. Thanks for reading

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