100 Million Sharks Killed for THIS ?
I am shocked to have seen this on TV today.
I feel as if my head has been in the sand and not
have seen anything around me 🙁
Shark Finning was the report on TV and it seems the
fishermen catch the sharks and sever the fins while the
shark is alive and then throw the sharks back in the water
Be warned the pictures are graphic 🙁
as my song says "IF EVERYONE CARED "
With love for Creation
We worry about global warming now we must worry about the ECO system and the OCEANSThis alone will throw off balance the eco system of the oceans.Notice the what people are in the photos.. the undeveloped countries where incomes are null and finning brings in so much money for them. I am furious after seeing this !what is Green peace doing? what are other organizations who gain funding to stay alivedoing?
And they slaughter not only sharks – (to make soup from them) Now they hunt for other animals too…
Frikin’ People. :down: :troll: :no: :doh:
Hi All,I know I can feel your anger also.. I would love to see the fishermen skinned and sold for soup that no one would buy.Sick people for the $$$$$.. They and others are ruining the world and our future generations will suffer from it. :(Thanks for reading and commenting I am going to do a follow up post now and this will please you 🙂
I think this is really awful! Why would anyone do that on such a horrible scale? Who would EAT that?!I’ve actually set up a campagn against seal skinning, just so you know they sometimes even skin the seal before they are even dead!
thank you for reading and caringwhen it comes to money those in restricted countries will sell anything for money,children, body parts, animals, etc.. Some parts of Africa they cut off the hands of gorillas to sell for ash trays,I saw a show on Discovery channel about this issue .. It’s sick but real.Thank you for caring about our world and doing something to help.