I found this site that shows some of the movie,
I hope you will see it and feel the reasoning behind
Micheal Moores passion to make it.
Congrats to Michael Moore for having the guts
to make movies no one else will.
M M showed his movie to the skid row people and even offered them
free medical check-ups view the video here.
I can't wait to see it.
I am sorry, but I can’t share your fascination of the movie, because I don’t know what it is about. Warmly, Ramute.
Hi Ramute,It’s about one man who exposes the horrid health care system of the USA.Everyone thinks the USA is the best country in the world however, it’s ranked 13th in the health care ofit’s people .. What’s wrong with that picture? I hope you can see the videoloveFati
Dear Fati, now at least I have some notion of what’s going on. Your explanation helped me to understand the videos. Yes, video is OK. Yes, I would say that America has the best heath care, but it appears that it is not. Our system is very chaotic, it’s only being created after the independence. With love, Ramute.:)
Hi Ramute,Everyone thinks USA is like Heaven when now it’s fallinginto HELL :(Thanks for understanding and I am happy you can see the video I know how sometimes you can’t :(love Fati