Remember Me

A friend sent me this video link in an email today
and being the 4th of July is only a day or so away
I thought to honor our troops and the troops of all
countries whom are losing their lives on a daily basis.

The girl whom made this video is only 15 years old.
Thank you all for your dedication I hope it will end soon.\



6 Replies to “Remember Me”

  1. I feel horrible for all involved in the senseless killingsand how the Iraqie men also are dying and their families are without a father and husband and brothers just as othersin this stupid war.thank you for viewing I hope you will feel what I didlove to allFati

  2. I saw this video elsewhere, but I dind’t know that it was created by a 15 year girl. Children are our hope for a better world, world without wars. With love, Ramute.:)

  3. Hi again,Yes we all do feel bad however, it’s effecting our younger generation more than it did back in the 60s when Vietnam was in force.Hi Ramute,yes this is what I read it was created by her, how precious is our younger generation and how fraile they are as well.I hope it will end soon .Thank you for viewing and readingLoveFati

  4. Thank you for viewing and feeling the emotions this young girl wanted all of us to I said it goes for all countries involved not just USAevery country has lost loved ones.:heart:Fati

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