Foot Print

Angel Evening

While working in this local grocery store a girl I call
Cookie < she bakes there> came to me and said, "Would you
like to see some babies?"

I said, "okkkkkkkkkk" not knowing what kind of babies were in
this box she was holding I thought maybe kittens.

I looked inside the box and in between the shredded fibers were 5 tiny
wild mice. There was 6 one got out however after running around the store
it was located and caught and now with it's sibliings.

I explained to Cookie how they can't be left alone right now
and would need shelter and food. I gave her some ideas as to what to
feed them and how to give them water also.

They were to cute to let go and knowing their fate,
Cookie took them home.

Cookie is so proud of her babies she talks about them and tells me what she feeds
them and how she is getting attached to them however, she will let them go in
in few weeks time when they can fend for themselves. I know it will be hard for Cookie.

I really believe I convinced her to take care of them and in turn I was given
a sign in a form of a thank you.. Call me nuts or seeing things however I found this
on my car today and I really believe it's a thank you sign for taking the time to care.

I think it's a bug spatter however to me it's one of the tiny feet sending me
and THANK YOU… I had to take a photo of it and it made me feel so loved and
to know all my "ANGEL" efforts are for real reasons and not for naught.

I never had a bug splatter that took the form of a FOOT.. have you ?

Thank you for reading and listening to this magical music..

I look for signs and after the night I had of stress and no sleep
I needed this comforting FOOT on my car windshield today.


10 Replies to “Foot Print”

  1. This is a very interesting story, which happened to you. If you think it is a sign of gratitude, this is true to you. Howere for me it is not a sign, because I do not participate in your situation. You received a blessing for caring poor little mice. Congrats!With love, Ramute.:)

  2. Hi Into,thanks for reading :)Thanks Ramute I know you understand my point and I know it’s a bug splatter however, to me it was a giftand really made me feel better.simple things really do place smileswith loveFati

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