I saw this on the news today and wanted to show how animals
are gifts from up above.
OSCAR the cat makes his grand entrances just as life is about to leave.
A hop onto the bed, a fastidious lick of the paws, then a snuggle beside a nursing home patient with little time left. Oscar's purr, when keeping close company with the dying, is so intense it is almost a low rumble.
"He's a cat with an uncanny instinct for death," said David Dosa, assistant professor at the Brown University School of Medicine and a geriatric specialist. "He attends deaths. He's pretty insistent on it."
More can be read about this "ANGEL" here ..
Who says animals are only animals?
That is a wonderful post. I love cats, I have four of them, and they are like my children.Sometimes my cat, Julious, will call for me when my son is having a seizure,it really upsets him.
An interesting post. I’ve a small dog which very like play many animals: cats, birds and other…….
Hi Groovy,Thank you for reading and sharing .. I see your cat alsois an Angel and this is a blessing for you to know when your son will have a seizure , cat’s are very sensitive and this is why they feel and share also..Thanks again for commenting Fati
Hi Andreu,Your dog is so cute you never said how old they are?
Interesting. :up:
I heard about the “Kitty Grim Reaper” on the news earlier. I’ve heard of dogs being able to smell cancer on people before too, so it’s not too surprising that Oscar can tell when someone’s about to die. That’s good that he goes and provides comfort to them before they go π Nice comforting music you put on this post too π
Cats or dogs – reptiles or mammals – It doesnβt matter – I love all kind of animals. :D(But I don’t want to go to that hospital – LOL ) (Especially if he is the Reaper’s cat – since animals love me too :left: :right:) π
LOL I know what you mean about having that cat near you :DI know you love animals I have read your blog π
Hi Stomyrthanks for reading I know how much you like cats :)Hi Marcus,yes they did find some dogs can smell cancer on people and they are working with these dogs to develop medically tests for this and this should cut the costs of treatments.I had a cat Jr. whom use to always tell me when I was pregnanthe would lay a certain way with me only when I was pregnant and I would only be pregnant for a few weeks when he would alert me π I kept him busy π Thanks for reading Fati
Even if NATURE would mix them to this:
OMG thats funny and yet :yikes: scarey π
HiMy small dog has 7 years old. He very like other small animals and bird….
Hi Andreu,Thanks for answering my question, I didn’t know I just rememberd seeing his photo