
Gheorghe Iovu Music

Today I drove 188 miles and did 9 stores in 2 states.

This new company I signed up with had the contract to go
into grocery stores and verify that all the recalled food
items were not on the shelf and also out of the store.

The food products never completed the processing and became
highly contaminated with Botulism.

Castleberry recall

I have had this work for a week and today I completed
all my stores and I feel a great sense of accomplishment
to have been a part of this work.

Today I saw so many things driving as much as I did and in 2 differnt
states ..

I saw early this morning a young boy sitting on the curb alone and
my heart went out to him wishing I had the time to ask "What's wrong?"

Now a days it's not safe to speak to children, due to the sick minded
people whom abuse them and kidnap them and parents are fearful
and have the right to be..

Today I saw an accident and the traffic had to be detoured through the
country side and I have never seen this road before however, it was
a nice drive and nice scenery.

Today was a hard day driving however, I gained a sense of peace and
protection and felt so blessed to have this work and the ability
to travel around and hear my music and enjoy the air conditioning
of my car and to know I helped make life for many safer.


5 Replies to “Today”

  1. The music is from my friend T, in Romaniahe and I share our tastes in musicand he also enlightens me with music I have never heard such as this onein my post.Thank you T for always being there :heart:Fati

  2. Hello Fati, I enjoyed reading your post. Its good you can balance all day and in the end of it, say you gained a sense of peace, I’d love to do that too.Be Well.

  3. Hi Edwin,You can do it just let it go to GODyou are a faithful man and you have to put your trust in God as you say you do.thanks for readingFati

  4. Fati – thanks. I very like read, listen and watch your blog….and your music – very…….

  5. this is a new song from Romania and I love music from other countries it widens my knowledge and tastein all forms.

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