Oprah had on Al Gore and they showed some of his documentary
and I thought to find a video to share and this one is totally
outstanding … Please take the time to view and FEEL with Love Fati
Oprah had on Al Gore and they showed some of his documentary
and I thought to find a video to share and this one is totally
outstanding … Please take the time to view and FEEL with Love Fati
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As per Al Gore’s research, the polar ice caps are melting and many polar bears are drowning due to no ice for them to live on and as they swim they can’t find an ice berg to land on to liveand they are not long distant swimmer and so many have been found dead due to drowning.. This is just one of the signs of things to come.. We can all help one by one.
You don’t believe this convenient lie, do you?Professor KeelUnited States
HiYou’ve an all right. …
Hello Professor Keel,I knew someone would say this . and to me it’s not a lieI see the effects of global warming all the time and having lived in Egypt I have seen it there as well.We are all entitled to our own opinions and if you chose to have your heard stuck in the sand then you are not responsiblefor the future of my grand children and maybe yours as well.We are not talking political here we are talking scienceand if you disbelieve this documentary then you are risking more than you know.There are always people such as yourself and this is why the world is in the ruins it’s in . I bet you are a republicanalso ?Fatimah United States
Hi Andreu,Thank you for understanding and viewing the video
Hi Qbone,I think the Professor is to busy to think outside his ownarea of living, I have seen this many times those who hide in the sand don’t look outside their nest. Thanks for reading and commenting :heart:Fati
Maybe our good prossefor (err) professor could explain the ASIA’s problem with torrential floods which affecting 15 mill human being by global warming..!Good post Fatima… thank you
The effects of global warming are so completely obvious…the weather is unbeleivable different! are people waiting for flying pigs, raining daisies and snowing salt to eventually wake up to this??
Hello UrshyPoo,Yes I agree this is why I said some people would ratherlive with their heads in the sand than to realizewe all can contribute to the earth NOW.Thank you for sharing and caringFati