I was speaking with my dearest friend from Romania Horace, just before Christmas and
we were talking about how people are so full of giving at this time of year.
Horace told me about a story which happened to him during a Christmas season.
Horace and his then girlfriend was attending a concert held in his city which
doesn't happen all the time and when he and his girlfriend arrived at the concert
he found he had forgotten his tickets to the concert.
For some reason this man must have seen his sad face and walked up to him and
asked if he could help in some way?
Horace explained to him about forgetting the tickets.
This man offered him the 2 tickets he was holding since his date did not show up
and he did not want to attend alone.
Horace offered to pay him for the tickets if he gave him his address however, the man
only said with a smile,
"Merry Christmas"
There are so many "Angels" amongst us if only we open our eyes.
I love good stories like this one and I am sure there are many out there,
if only they were shared.
Wonderful story, what a giving soul. :heart:
Hi Sarah,Yes this story made me feel good to know the “Angels” are all over the worldand always working :)Gopal sends his HI to you also ;):heart:Fati
Thanks so much Fati. :):hi: Gopal!
Very nice story, it touched my heart. Thanks, Fatimah.Love, Ramute.:)
Hi Sarah,Thanks for commenting and I will tell Gopal you said Hi back. Are you off myspace?Happy 08
No, I had to get a new account…I know for sure I lost about 50 friends..my new address is http://www.myspace.com/angel292005 :heart:Happy 08 to you as well!
Sorry to hear you lost that account maybe it was part of the hacking thatwas being done there? Thanks for the link 🙂
Your welcome,No,I just started all over. 🙂 *sigh*:heart:
oh 🙁 I am not on myspace to often it’s so confusing even Imeem is worse lol :heart: