Snow Storm of a Century

The worse storm of the century.

I find this interesting after doing a post about
going GREEN..


The third storm in an as many days has hit the U.S. west coast. On Saturday, it brought gale-force winds, torrential rain, and snow.

The storm is being blamed for at least three deaths. Near Los Angeles, a woman was killed after her truck was swept into a flood channel. Her boyfriend clung to life on a nearby tree. Falling trees and branches also killed two people in Oregon and northern California.

They are expecting at least 9 FEET of snow today..

I can't imagine that can you?


Is this part of what's to be expected in our future?

More STORM news

Thanks for reading,

2 Replies to “Snow Storm of a Century”

  1. I heard about snow storms and their victims in the US on the local news…We don’t have much snow and the winter is not so cold until now.Concerned, Ramute.

  2. HI Ramute,I find this so odd that places in Europe who usually have snowdoesn’t have that much and here in USA it’s snowing in the DESERT TOO :(We should all be concerned I think. Thanks for commenting

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