I watched this movie over the weekend and I cried with so much emotion from the love and dedication this child held for music and his lost parents. Enjoy the ride. A movie worth seeing and you will never forget. :heart:Fati
6 Replies to “August Rush”
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Yes, it looks like an interesting movie. Thank you for advertising. I shall have it in mind.Love, Ramute.:)
HI Ramute,the music is so great and to see this child playit too is amazing LoveFati
Ohhhhh! do they find him? does he find them? i’m crying already! i’ll have to look out for it..looks like a good one 😀
I won’t spoil the movie you really need to see it I know it will strum your heart strings :)go to the site I gave you it’s dvd quality 🙂
we just had an 8hr power failure here GF. what hope? LOL
OMG that’s horrid :(sorry to hear that , welcome back 🙂