Father Sun, Daughter Rose
by Nicholas C.
To my daughter rose, from your father sun.
Giving you hope and joy and filling up up inside.
Hoping that one day it won’t rain, and I will see you soon.
Sharing love and spirits to infinitely coincide.
Right now it’s cloudy but that’s ok.
Leaving you in winters storms, knowing I will see you
Stronger on a beautiful summers day.
So I ask you please to hold your flower face up high
Waiting for the father sun, to appear bold and clear in the sky.
Making everything from now on better, growing stronger
Through the seasons of change.
With a relationship so loyal together,
Withstanding the pains, and rains.
Eleven years now passed , making you a growing flower
Father sun smiling down, embracing and waiting warm showers.
The conditions needed for you to grow.
Challenges come-n –gone, for you to know
As for the mountains I will move, or hop
Just to tell you these words.
“ I love you all –the –way to the sky and the sky never stops”
Authors note:
I wrote this so a guy here could send it to his daughter for her 11th birthday.
That information plus the lines, “I love you all –the –way to the sky and the sky never stops”
That’s all he told me I made up everything else.
Written by my son Nick
Thank you for reading.
Nick was so happy to read all the comments from his last poem and he thanksyou all for the inspiration you all have given him from his words.I will print this post out and mail it to him, as he said the color adds life to his colorless world now.. Music by Christopher Franke.. :heart:Fati
Wonderful poem, Nick, you are a real poet of heart. I can imagine how proud of your son you are, Fati, with love presenting his verses. Love, Ramute.P.S. Sun in lithuanian is not father but mother.
HI Ramute,Thank you for your kind words and YES.. I am very proud of Nick writing from his heart. I always knew he could express however,when younger his anger took hold of that golden heart. Nice bit of information for Nick.. sun = mother 🙂 thanks for sharingLoveFati
Hi It’s an interesting…..because it your. Very good
thanks Andreu,I am happy you enjoyed Nicks writing also
WOW NICK!? this is fantastic! truly beautiful! i thought i’d find a famous authors name on the bottom…and it was Nick 😀 so he must be famous and not know it!
Thanks Michele,I am going to print out the comments now and mail them to Nick,I hope to post more of his work soon.:heart:Fati
i would look forward to that 😀 GO NICK!
Hi GFI printed out the comments also the post and mailed it last week to Nick,I have’nt heard from him yet although he wrote my sister recently I don’t know what he said in the letter but she will tell me :)Thanks for your support to Nick:heart:Fati