Today is my 3 year being on Opera.
So much has gone in and out of my life since the first post I made
and also I found wonderful friends who still stand next to me.
The Rites of Passage which we all seem to endure however,
fail sometimes to take notice.
We all blog and communicate back and forth and we
add eachother to our facebooks,myspace, and other sites
we all join and yes we are on Opera too however, we
feel one location may not be enough.
I want to thank all my friends here in Opera Land
for the support and caring I recieve from you
and for the friendship which only Opera Land
offers us all.
May I continue to blog using the guidance which comes to me
from a very high place and may God grace me with inspiration
to share the "light" which offers us all peace.
Thank you all for reading and always feeling my words and music.
Art work was borrowed from,
Lenora Clark
She does wonderful work .
Hey Fati, it is wonderful how people can meet each other. Imagine, my future husband (in 4 months) I met from web. We studied together in the same school for 3 years. He knew but I didnt know him.We started to talk on net, and then a beautiful love was being cultivated.And so as to us, friends. On opera or on any other kind of webpage. It is really amazing that from this we can know people in the whole world and feel caring, love, friendship for them even if we never have seen them. Only by pictures.But love is something that dont ask so much to grow.Be in peace.:heart:Bea
Dear Fati, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about opera experiences. I feel so much the same. Thank you foe the beautiful post and awesome music.Love, Ramute :heart:
and thank you to YOU.for EVERY space of your heart that you have shared with us :heart:
Hi Michele,Thank you for allowing me to share my heart and my feelingsand even VENT :DLove youFati
HI B,Congrats to you on your soon to be wedding, I am happy for you and to know that it sounds like it was meant to be :)The net gives us all experiences good and bad and we learn and growfrom both. Thank you again for sharing your news and for commenting on my 3 year post :):heart:Fati
Hi Ramute,I knew you would feel the same as you have been with my blogsince I started and you seem to feel in many areas the sameas I do on those subjects.Thank you for always being here for me loveFati
Congratulations!Glad to have been here to share a bit of it.:)
Dear Zenya,Thanks more than congrats is close to what I feel like telling you. Do keep up the unquestioning “giving” . Whenever I feel overly happy or unduly sad or when the mind is looking for pastures green I type on to your site and you have never failed me. And the comments from our friends too are so kindling many times. Thanks everybody.Love to allRKK
Woh… thanks……
Hi RKK,I am happy to see you read my words, thank you for commentingand always giving me great reads and warm feelings through your words.You are a man full of wisdom and I am blessed that you found my blogand continue to share with me and my readers.with love,Fati
Hi Andreu,you have been a friend in my blog for a very long timeand you show constantly your appriecation for my wordsand my music. Thank YOU for being a loyal readerand listener.:heart:Fati
Hi Dave,I am happy you are a part of it also :)I heard from Diem he posted on his blog :)Thanks for being my friend and there with a click:heart:Fati
Happy Anniversary 🙂
thanks Micky J:)