Who Is This Cat ?

He is a cat now however, I am sure he was a little boy at
some point in our existence due to his behaviour.

Each day he brings new actions into my life and more smiles
on my face and so much warmth into my heart.

He is never bored always thinking of new ways of keeping hisself
entertained and happy.

At the end of his play time this is what Snowy loves to do…

I had to take these photos or else no one would believe me. 🙂
The Pink toy I call goofy due to the huge smile on his face,
he keeps him in the hallway or the kitchen where he loves
to eat with him and his other " FRIENDS"

Sometimes I find his "PUPPY" in the food dish also.. he is a great
caring friend to his "FRIENDS" makes sure they too eat 🙂
He has many toys however, these 4 are his favs.

My neighbor underneath me stated how active he is during the daytime
when I am not home. She has 2 cats which are older and not as active
thank G.. she had a smile while saying this to me or else she might complain
to the landlord and we know I don't need to move again now 🙂

Thanks for reading and caring about my precious boy ..

Snowy.. aka crazy boy lol

Happy Moms Day..
with love

10 Replies to “Who Is This Cat ?”

  1. is it mothers day there ,we had ours in march Happy mothers day 🙂

  2. Hi again,How sweet of you to see that 🙂 thank you and yes he does have a powerful aura He is precious and a gift to me thanks for your visits Fati

  3. Hi Michael,Yes Snowy puts them in the toilet lol scares the hell out of me after I have gone lolHe knows so many care about him I think it’s going to hishead lol.. Thanks for commenting and caring Fati

  4. Good morning MOM,I return here after long time I was offline and I missed lots of blog. What a pity!Although It’s too late but I still want to say: Happy Mother’s day to you, my MOM!Big hug!love and miss you much!Son

  5. HI my Son I have missed you tooand happy to know you are ok and well.thanks for the well wishes too my dear keep in touch love you Mom

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