I found this on youtube and I think it's so great
to hear good original music blended with creativity enjoy.. with love Fati
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I found this on youtube and I think it's so great
to hear good original music blended with creativity enjoy.. with love Fati
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I have dreams ,that im falling down trying to get away and theres always a figure in the distant ,not got a clue who but when im try to hide ,its impossible my daughter and i ,have the same dream this been going on now for over 10 years ,weired or what .Sometimes hes dressed in black with a bug huge hat or he is just in plain clothes wanting him to let you know hes there ,but so impossible to hide .????
Hi again,maybe someone is trying to call out to you or to help you ? sometimes those whom are dead enter our dreams for helping us think about it? Since your daughter has the same kind of dream itmust be someone in your family. Thanks for enjoying this video I love the song so much Fati
In out faith its not good to have dreams of a dead person it shortens your life span .
maybe so however, we are beings of emotions and our mind guides us for reasons we can’t control :)I had a dream of my eldest son not to long about about visiting me after many years of not speaking to me however, he was in a long black car and with others and dressed in a suit.He came calling out to me in a house I was cleaning a huge house and I didn’t know he was looking for me and he didnt find me and he got back into this long black car and drove away .I was running after him calling to him to STOP STOP STOP Vinny stop however .. he left.He was the one who died in March of this year and he didn’t get to say goodbye to me or for me to hear his voice again for over 7 years.. I am sure this dream was a view into the future for me however, I didn’t know how to reach him in real life not knowing where he moved and my #2 daughter who did speak to him would not share his location with me.We all have guides in our lives some times we just need to pay more attention to them 🙁
Hi Cocoa,Thank you and I too agree with the devil part.. as the Angels give to us also the devil will.Yes I think so too my son was sending me his thoughts as we use to be very close in mind and spirit as is 2 of my 3 daughters and my a sister. thank you for your heart felt words Fatimah
He was trying to tell you before he died you was on his mind so connected through a dream saying maybe he still loved you and that its not goodbye never say goodbye cause we all going to be together one day soon .Hes asleep awaiting the time ,im do beleive the devil can play tricks with the mind as well and im also no the subconsious can too .But im send my deepest wishes to you through your tragic loss my prayers are with you .
Your so welcome dear sister Shukriyah and im look forward to more of your posts .:heart:
thank you for being a loyal reader and friend :heart: