I heard about this on the news however, only today have I seen
a photo of it on TV.
It's been reported not far from where this poor creature washed up
on the shore there is a lab which does research for various projects
and of course they said they had nothing to do with it.
No one knows what it is and I have yet to hear what happened to the
body of this creature since they found it on the beach.
If you notice it has a tie of some sort around his leg as if
he was bounded from moving..
Rumors flying saying it could be an alien animal 🙂
Someone took the photo with their cell phone.
More can be read at this site
Monster or Lab project?
Lab project is my answer!
Thanks for reading,
what does that mean ? :(No one knows what it is .. looks like a dog but has a beak,the feet look webbed as well.it’s very odd and strange
Chupa cabras is like a “drink goat”!Mexico have some problems with mestirious animals they drink all the blood of the sheeps and goats, and no one know that animal! can be that one! :awww: I hope you understand my poor english! 🙂
Chupa cabras?
good night Zetorres thanks for the chats in text and sharing the photos with me :)sleep well
oh yes I saw this on the scifi channel,it’s very wide spread as it is also in England I think.Yes I understand you fine your english is great 🙂
:yikes: that video…well here in Portugal is time to sleep… 1:12 AM I don’t know if I will can do it now! :lol::lol:Thanks Zenya! 🙂
:yikes: creepy, I’ve already seen this on other pages withoug knowing this is actually ‘real’.did you hear of this mutant (video)? ;)sleep well.
OMG I didn’t hear about this piggy ..poor thing what did they do with it?thanks for sharing that video.I hope I don’t have nightmares lol
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Michael,Thanks for seeing my side of the view.. So much research is being done under “HUSH HUSH”why rule it out.thanks for the comment and understandingGo Long Island ! 🙂
Genetics: Man’s attempt at playing God (and hell no, it aint pretty)
Hi Shaunak,thank you for your visit and comment and I agreeit’s not pretty and most lab projects turn out wronguntil they get it right if they ever do :(Humans seem to screw up everything they do when it comes to animals .. Thanks for your commentFati
Hmmm… could be a hoax, just like this one 😀
haha. I see. well this one was on the newsand some lady took the photo with her cell phoneas it was reported who knows. I have not heard any more about it so it’s anyones guess.Thanks for the link 😀
No problem 😉