If you love Scifi and sitting on the edge
of your seat you will love this show..
I am addicted now…
Tuesday nights are hard to wait for

Enjoy the fear … or is it reality?


6 Replies to “FRINGE”

  1. HI Micky,Give the show a try if you like Scifi you will enjoythis show.I start the new job Oct.13th 🙂 can’t wait thanks for asking

  2. I am going to give it a look-see tonight. I liked the male lead when he was in the Dawson Creek series, and I love SciFi.Thanks for the thumbs up, and thanks for the exquisite artistry and positivism of your blog.Perhaps soon I will be able to return to my more positive nature.

  3. I find this show has a bit of everything even humore, I really do enjoy this showand find it all very possible .. which really scares me :(Let me know what you think of it ok?

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