Photos or Paintings?

I found this PPS file to be moving..
I am amazed in the talent of this artist.
There is music also which enhances the experience.

Iman Maleki


4 Replies to “Photos or Paintings?”

  1. Hi Fati.Any streaming media on the subject? I’m kind of paranoid about downloading exe files onto my computer as you never know what someone might have put in them somewhere along the line. (I’m not talking about you!) In any case, take care. Talk, soon.-David

  2. Hi David,No sorry it’s a PPS file and safe it has been scanned I would not put anything I haven’t testedand this file is really nice as is most of my PPS files.I understand your concern however, it’s safe 🙂

  3. Awesome. But the music also deserves a credit. Could you (or someone) tell me the title of that instrumental?

  4. I have heard it prior to this PPS however, it escapes me as to what it’s called and who originally composed it.

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