I saw this report on TV and it made me cry.
Americans are fearful of Terrorist however, what they should
be fearful from is POVERTY..
There are more and more moving into these "TENT CITIES" through
out the USA.. The rate is growing faster now more than before.
These cities are illegal however, they are going to make the legal
so the states can assist those living inside these areas.
This video was made in 2008 however, it's growing larger in 2009.
The USA must look like a 3rd world country from outside, and how
sad in these times we were the strongest country in the world
and look at the US now.
God Bless all of us.
with love,
… mais : Cette vidéo n’est pas disponible dans votre pays. (YouTube)
Hi Alain,thanks for viewing 🙂
That’s very sad. Can’t believe America would allow it to happen. I mean an individual having to be homeless is bad enough, but a whole community?
Hi David,Yes and today I saw on CNN Seatle Washington now has tent city in the middle of the city. it’s becoming a way of life for those without jobs and now without homes.Sad but true :(I remember when people would die to come to America now I am sure they long to go else wherewell not Mexicans but those from Europe or Eastern.Thanks for your caring Fati
I am afraid poverty such as this is endemic to not only the USA but to Western Europe as well ! ! BUT TAKE HEART we all have the power to change other peoples lives for the good , we just need to do so !Mike
Hi Mike,I agree and it only takes one to get the ball rolling :)thanks for sharing
The richest 400 Americans own more than the bottom 150 million Americans combined; their combined net worth is $1.6 trillion. During the Bush years, the nation’s 15,000 richest families doubled their annual income, from $15 million to $30 million and corporate profits shot up by 68 per cent while workers’ wages have been steadily shrinking (and the workers are not the ones who are being bailed out by the government).Peter McLaren in an interview with Ravi Kumarhttp://radicalnotes.com/content/view/88/39/
But should any government be bailing out the private sector at all ? or should we allow market forces to dictate the flow of fiscal policy ? What I am certain of is that as in the UK , the majority of first world nations just will not grasp the nettle of poverty !
Hello Alain,you are so right.. as the saying goes … the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer sad but true sometimes. Bush has really made this country full of problems and Obama has to sort thru it all and fix it all..
Hi Mike,In my lifetime I have not heard of the government bailing out anything but themselves.this is all new to me and I know why they are doing it however, the money should be going to those whom lost their homes so they won’t have to live in TENT CITIES ..They always miss the point don’t they?
They do indeed , In the UK we have a social care system based on ‘CARE IN THE COMMUNITY ‘ but as I always point out at meetings for this to work WE THE COMMUNITY MUST CARE !!! and the same by default must apply for the governments !! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE HUMAN RACE WHY CANT WE CARE !!!!!!!!
the human race is becoming selfish and let attached to others.I see it all the time in driving and in the stores.. it’s all ME ME ME.I am not saying all are like this but there are many and now the younger generationis becoming totally selfish as the professionals state.Pray for them Fatimah
Your so so right ! you have a wise head on your beautiful shoulders young lady !
thank you Mike, 🙂
U.S. * New York Times * Inside California’s Tent Cities 1 of 13Inside California’s Tent Citieshttp://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/03/25/us/20090326-TENTS_index.html
O shame on us all for allowing this ! be it in Africa, USA or Europe we should all hang our heads in shame !!
thank you Alain for the link.. it’s sad and it’s only getting worsethey now want to remove these people as they say since the International attention made this state look stupid.. well DUH :DThanks again Alain.
HI Mike,What gets me is this.. many Americans are asking for money for Africa relief and meanwhile they don’t look in their own back yard!Thanks for seeing the point.
A radical thought for all politicians but how about every one of them in the whole world committing “A daily random act of kindness !! “
Hi Mike,I do at least one random act of kindness if not more daily.what goes aroundn comes around
In becoming my friend you have done me the ultimate kindness my lady xxxx
like I said what goes around comes aroundyou have given to me also Mike :):heart:
thank you I was only kidding 😀
:yikes: sweet talker
Your so charming YOUNG LADY x:heart: :heart: :heart:
Why ? its all true x
I know honey XXX love you so much your such fun x:D