After the day I had driving in Massachuttes this song calms my nerves and so does Adam .
This is just the begining of his long journey and to think we are
all apart of it.
After the day I had driving in Massachuttes this song calms my nerves and so does Adam .
This is just the begining of his long journey and to think we are
all apart of it.
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Hi,Happy I have enlightened you to Adam.. he is outstanding inhis singing not matter what he sings.thank you for enjoying 🙂
😉 ‘though I’m not a fan of the “next idol shows” at all – 🙂 got no tv :p – that’s a very thrilling voice … and reminded me to have a look at the superb video of gary jules again … thanks for sharing 😉
Assalam Alacom. He who is also called Abdtuweb has returned into Opera.Slema
wa alaykom salaamsDo I know him? not sure.
I’m listening this song too (performed by Micheal Andrews) ^^.
happy to see you again and to knowyou too enjoy this song 🙂