I rec'd this in an email today from my Scout
who always knows I am on the look out for funny
and rare things.
I found this to be so funny since in Egypt when you
call for a pizza they have sorta the same thing without
all the extras 🙂
Watch and listen to the whole thing it's funny
Loved this. Played it and I smiled.
thank you for letting me knowI got a kick out of it too. it would be scarey if ordering did come to this :yikes:
You are right about that. It would be really scary!!!
:yikes: we’re not so far from this, I guess … if it comes to someone’s mind showing like this it must have been on some other minds as well … :insane: … but it’s also a funny way to get aware 😉
Hi JA,Long ago there was a movie called “BIG BROTHER”Big Brother is now here .. traffic cams, cams all over the placeyou can’t do any thing without being watched 🙁
Hi T,You are right it is a funny way to open the mind.I would not want to order pizza like that lol