Anger Management in the Office Place

I found this by accident and laughed my ass off.

So many times I can imagine people wanting to do this.

I can relate


10 Replies to “Anger Management in the Office Place”

  1. I am using Vista now, and it gives me so many more problems than Windows…less viruses though I have to say.

  2. I understand that frustration with my computer at home. It will freeze up out of the blue and I am left to stare at it like, “WTF” 😆

  3. I have Vista also and I make videosand tonight I made one and it HUNG :(thank G it worked anyway I thought I lost it

  4. Oh good that it saved. :up: Come to think of it, I did lose one video on vista…but don’t do those often.

  5. the new update was suppose to take care of the glitchand it did my video came out great.I made one before and it was horrid the timing was offand out of wack after spending hours making it. :(the new one is perfect in all.. I have it on my youtubezenya3 🙂

  6. I really thought I had a subscription to your channel. 🙂 Going to check it out.Love ya 🙂

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