Cougar Town

I have been watching this tv show from the start
and I find it so funny and refreshing and yet…
I can relate.

I was called the original Cougar from this lady
whom knows me for many years.. We had a good laugh.

For other Cougars,,, this ones for you



52 Replies to “Cougar Town”

  1. HAHAHAHAHHA I love this ! Im a cougar, and DAMN proud of it ! I always say …women are like fine wine,we just get better with age ! MRRRRROOOOW ! I love you Fati !

  2. I knew you would laugh at this one.Us Cougars have to stick together :Dyes fine wine with better minds lol:heart:

  3. older women are ,im my opinion,more comfortable with their bodies and more in tune with their sensuality…it comes from years of experience and lifes hard lessons. Fati,wouldnt you agree?

  4. I never seen the show but i guess it great. :up: n i agree with stick together n the older women are best 😀

  5. ohhh i forget that our cultures are so different….Im sorry for being so frisky Suke,i hope i didnt make you blush? someday youll see the show and youll understand !

  6. 😀 lol thankssee? I couldn’t transformed my mind into words. I always forget something. I should say..don’t know what to say now. :doh:

  7. She always do that..:lol:In my blog, she called someone with the wrong name..lolMorning ma sista..:coffee:

  8. Now you made me curious sis :ko: i would try to use another cell browser yup dulz. It’s my weakness. That’s why i didn’t like math. Funny cuz i work with it everyday 😀

  9. Hi Cat yes they are friskythey are in the same time zone tooI can imagine what they do while we aresleeping .. oh to be a fly on their walls :)Hey sis what do you do while we are sleeping?Risis too 😀

  10. Lol.. I’ll tell u now cause you are still sleeping. We pop up to everyone’s blog to write comments like this while we are at the office pretending busy if our bosses watch us, don’t we dulz? 😉 :lol:online while lunch and when we get again 😀

  11. Hahaha :lol:Yeah..sometimes annoying people on their status on fb……:lol:We always do such a silly things..And even all our friends moved to fb…we still here!… Just laughing 😆

  12. 😆 :yes: our cell is our life… They’re racing on fb :doh: couldn’t even update mine. But i am happy to meet all my friends on anypage :up:

  13. Yeah..i log in to fb just twice in a day so i am worry i couldn’t reply all the comments :ko:had fun? You meant bout the pans? I dont know about the others 🙁

  14. 😆 ris came to my wall on fb n said what do i want? She’ll pay the pans credit which she took for me later (it was a joke, actually i never sell anything to her). Then a friend came n they had conversation bout the pans. Acted like the buyers 😀

  15. OH now I see for a minute I was like HUH? thanks sis for explaining you two girls have to much fun 🙂

  16. to my silly girls life is full of silly momentsand these are the ones that stick in our minds and bringa smile when our face feels sad:D

  17. I write from my heart it’s where I startI give to you a pieceand then you give a partof your most loving heart

  18. Shes a poet , and her feet show it….cauze their longfellows !hahahahahaha you ever heard that one before ladies? muahhhhh

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