Christmas Day

Christmas started out and ended being wonderful
this year.. Nothing took from my day only added.

Calm Winds

After almost 30 years I spoke on the phone with
my older sisters X husband..
He was an important part of my teen years.
When a marriage breaks up,so does the connection
of those related in that marriage.
The bridge is now mended and the channels
are open for more communications.

Calm winds blew my way..

My sister and I went over to my daughters house for
Christmas dinner this time SHE COOKED haha.. and
nothing was set a fire lmao..

Beef tenderloin she cooked with wine and home made squash soup to start with. Excellent

Perfect mashed potatoes and sweet corn, rolls which weren't burned haha.. lastly carrots sliced..

I made the punch again, Cranberry juice,Ginger ale and orange juice and floating lemon slices.. a great addition to any meal.

We had many laughs even had a stick of butter thrown at me haha the kitchen is small and I was always in my daughters way I guess ..

We opened presents before dinner and had a fun time
doing this too everyone liked their gifts .. Thank you God.

The best part of today was hearing all the laughing
and even the yelling at me to "GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN"
I was in the teasing mood today and this always makes for many laughs.
Even my daughters husband was funny
and I do love picking on him as well .. <evil grin>

Desert was home made cheese cake and flavored coffee
We were all stuffed and content with the blessed day we had together and always thankful we have each other .

It's funny how the holidays bring people together, if only the invisible tie that binds will strengthen to become the rope that holds forever.

Thank you God for the calm winds which blew
my way this Christmas Season and for the love
which fills my heart from all whom love me.

Merry Christmas my family of friends.
Wishing the New Year will be the best ever
for us all.

with love

41 Replies to “Christmas Day”

  1. Merry Christmas :hat::heart:I was here . . . …….oooO……………….(….)………………..)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(…./………………..)../…………………(_/………….oooO………………..(….)…………………)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(….)…………………)../…………………(_/…………oooO………………..(….)…………………)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(….)…………………)../………………….(_/………

  2. You gave such a wonderful discription of your day! So glad you had such a wonderful time ! Next is New Years Eve ! Love ya !

  3. thank you for reading Cat.. it’s not everyday I havesuch a day and it’s nice to share my times with those who really do care .I want to go to NYC but no one wants to go with me :(I love NYC on NYE.. it’s the most magical nightin ones year.What are your plans?

  4. Hi I am Jaxs. Nice to meet you. A little late but Merry Christmas :DGlad you had a wonderful time with your family.I cooked Stuffed cabbage & peppers.

  5. Hi Jaxsthank you for caring to comment and posting a wonderful photowhere I wish I was now :)Happy Holidays to you too and a very Happy New Year.I love stuffed cabbage too 🙂

  6. I am enjoying your blog and will get around to seeing more :DI make the home made traditional. it was my grandmother’s receipe :heart:The beaches here are beautiful.This is one of the beach access I love to go to.

  7. Hi Jaxs , I’m Cat, you’ll enjoy Zenya’s blog a lot , she’s got tons ofstuff to entertain with ! Happy Holidays and see ya round !

  8. Hi Cat, nice to meet you.I see there is lots to stuff. Happy Holidays to you and will see ya around :up:

  9. HI Jaxsthis beach looks like the one I use to swim at when I was a teenI live at least 3 hrs from the ocean so I don’t get to see it as I use to.thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy the music as well and the love I pour into my blog

  10. Hi FatimahI live 5 miles from the beach and love to sit out there at night.I do love the music. You have a wonderful taste in music. I appreciate the love you have put into your blog. I have lots of stuff here to keep me busy 😀

  11. Hi sis…Cat miss u all :love:happy to read your story..sounds you had so much fun. Especially with the butter lol. Great long holidays. :hat:

  12. Hi SisI knew you would like that “BUTTER” part it was funny good thing it wasn’t the soft kind lol.Happy to put a smile on your face love you

  13. Hi Jaxsalways happy to please others especially with musicthere isn’t a day I don’t fill myself with song.yes there is to much stuff in my blog to keep anyone busy.thanks so much for the comments it’s nice to see some life here

  14. Great beach. I love beach :yes: and music too :DHi sis… I will always happy to see u happy too.. :flirt:i guess you working again now? So nice if we have much holidays…Cat… Happy holiday to u too..miss u :heart:

  15. Happy New Year to you too Cat and sis and all of u. Wow a year will gone again :Dhey Jaxs. I will like to sit there..see the beach and hear your song.. Sounds peaceful :up:

  16. Hi sis nice to see you again I am busy now unwrapping all the candy left with Christmas paper on 🙁 and also I habe to order now valentine candy so I will be busy :heart:

  17. Let’s all sit down on the beach and take a break, the cool night air carressing our skin, the moon high above making the water look like glass , a roaring bonfire with mushmallows and hot dogs and Jaxs gently strummin his guitar…wow what a dream that would be ! Hugs to you all !

  18. It’s a beautiful night here too!The skies are clear and the moonlight on the water is fantastic :up:

  19. Enjoy your work sis but dont work work too hard just finish all of them :flirt:owh Cat, your words sound very romantic..with the moon and the nice song. Too bad your weather didnt support it..have u made a snowman again cat? :yes:have a good rest all of u

  20. I haven’t had a chance yet to build a snowman again yet Suke, but I will …there’s plenty of time still and more than enuf snow lol ! Fati….enjoy your time off and here’s a (((hug))) for when the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins ! In fact, ((((HUGS and KISSES)))) for you all !

  21. Happy New Years againI was sleeping by 9:30 lolnothing exciting to report didn’t see the ball dropoh well at least I got good sleep 😉

  22. I am cooking up a tasty beef tenderloin today with lots of goodies to go with it.My cute Moses kept me up most of the night barking at the neighbors shooting off fireworks. I didn’t get to see the ball drop either. LOL

  23. That’s the same cut of beef my daughter cooked the other nighta bit dry 🙁 choked on one piece lol.Snowy woke me up early today he didn’t know I was off :(I hope he lets me sleep in on Sat.Sorry you missed the ball too 😥

  24. I had Moses entertainment instead :lol:The beef tenderloin turned out perfect.Not dry.Hope that Snowy lets you sleep in. Have to love the critters :heart:

  25. I didnt enjoy the last night of 2009 either lol but my friends sent me texted so i guess i didnt lose any wish 2010 will be better for us :happy: :love:

  26. yes it sounds like we all missed the ball :(Sis I just know 2010 will be better:angel: told me

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