I have been following this blog for a while
and each post has moved my heart and drifted into my soul.
I find it so hard to believe a young man such as Rohit as such
a deep sense of love. Who was he in a past life?
Please take the time to visit and read Rohit heart,
you won't be disappointed.. This I can promise.
always with love,
I read some of his poetry, very lovely . Thanks for pointin me in his direction !
I knew you would love it 🙂
LOl yes he is so young to feel such passionMEOWWWWWWWWWWWW lol
He’s definatly a romantic ! Right up our ally, so to speak lol !
Hahahahahaha Fati your soooooo naughty !
:yikes: I am ? 😀
Okay, I cought him here: http://my.opera.com/rohitsapra/blog/2010/01/08/a-story-very-sad#commentsBy the way, when shall I catch you again? 😉
Hi my dear,thank you for sharing with meI enjoyed his writing as well and so well thought out,he does have a point :)I am on yahoo on my mobilealways missing you:heart:
Now I know why I was having hiccup some minutes ago. 😉
so tell me why 🙂 nice to see you here again
… because you were missing me. 😉
ahhhhhh I see thanks for sharing ;)and most of allcaring :heart: