You'll know when it's time to go..
These were the words from a caring person in my company.
I reached out to him off the record asking for advice..
My job is literally hurting my body.. mind and spirit..
Each day it's getting harder for me to lift the several hundreds of pounds total in all my stores.
To deal with people whom treat me as if I was the devil
Or something that crawled from underneath a rock.
My friend was right.. I now know it's time to go..
No job is worth losing ones self.. I don't get paid
Enough to take the abuse from people whom are
Ignorant to others feelings or responsibilities.
I have applied for my Social Security which isn't much
But it will give me freedom from this job and a direction to go back from where I came.
Working for many companies and being my own person.
In these times it's hard to get work and to keep work
However, it's also hard to become sick from the kind of work which isn't doing good for myself and prohibiting
from even enjoying life which is why we work hard in the first place.
I thought I would share this in case anyone else is struggling with changing their job direction.
Good Morning new direction.
With Love,
True that!!!
Good to stand up for yourself…it’s not worth it
Thanks for the support.. Today I will write my letter to the companyand I will be free again 🙂
Good morning. A new dawn has come.
Hi Grass,Long time no see :)Thank you for readingand agreeing 🙂
You’ll be happy with your decision Fati, I know how much your job was taking out of you.I like the saying “when one door closes , another opens ! Seems to fit your situation ,doesn’t it. No job is worth losing your health over !!!! So :rolleyes: hop in your car and come for a visit !!! 🙂
You’re right and soon I will be free of the bondageI love being my own boss and making my own workschedule.. I had done it before for over 30 yearsOne never knows when I will be out that way 😀
I will stand by you sis :love:
love you sis :heart:
Hello Fatimah,Here is an idea or two that worked well for me.Using the newspaper ‘Work Wanted’ classified ads, I offered economy furniture moving. Established Abilene movers..sold business.. established Aden movers.. sold business.. Now better off, I offered home & apartment painting..$65 per room, $35 per ceiling. That comes to $100 per room and at 4 or more rooms a working day, when I chose to work, the money was OK for one who lives well but has low overhead.Numbers…[$65] always come before letters in classified ads, so my ads were always on top or first. …Ideas worked for me. I’m a nicer boss than the one boss I worked for in advertising, years ago.The Snowbirds jet acrobatic team are practicing their air-show over the Comox BC air base for two weeks.We were right underneath their acrobatics.. loud and dangerous but no accident, so I can tap out this comment to you. I’m like a kid sometimes.. 🙂 TG
Hi TG,Thank you for the ideas,, I have plenty of fires going however, with this full time job I don’t havethe time to do the work which is there for me to scoop up.. I have to get rid of the time consumingand energy consuming work before I can grab the otherwork.. When one door closes another opens.. I have always believed this.Thanks againFatimah
I wish you the best in this new phase of your life.xoxox
:wizard: :heart:
Hey GirlsThanks for your wishes it feels good to have made a decissionnow to pick the right date :):heart: