I have found a place to go where the grass is always green.
It is a place where you can sit and do nothing.
It is a place made just for you.
You can actually decorate it yourself.
This place can be a good place to go
after a long hard day at work or school.
It is sanctuary where you can pray,
or talk to a friend.
You can also make lifelong friends here.
This special place is where everyone
can find it, yet not all do.
It is a secret place, you don't even have to tell
anyone that you have it, But it will show on your face.
The road to this place is not external, but internal.
You can make this journey sitting in a chair.
This journey can take minutes, days, or even years.
I must warn you though, this place can disappear,
be painful if not taken care of properly.
this place I speak of is the soul of a peaceful person.
This soul speaks to you sometimes through your eyes..
I mean … your tears..
Tears wash the dust off the heart and soul
so they can shine once again…
If there were no rain,
fields would become parched and brittle,
and many creatures would die.
If we could not cry, all our emotions
would eventually dry up
and soon we would not laugh either.
Our tears cleanse us. Our tears heal. They make us whole.
Tears are as important to our growth as rain is to a flower.
They help release the pressure of sadness
so we can feel better.
They are words from the heart
and the soul that can't be spoken
After a storm, when the sun shines again through the clouds,
a brightly colored rainbow appears.
After our tears, our inner sun shines,
and rainbows are formed from our pain our sadness, guilty but also from our compassion and our goodness.
Through this approach, you will learn how to transform anger into passion, anxiety into intuition, and depression into compassion.
I now understand…
the Meanings of Tears
With love and peace,
this was sent to me via email from my beloved friendMohamed.. he cares for my soul in his own way with words of wisdom and words of comfort.. May they comfort you in your time of need as theyhave done for me in my time of need. always with love …….
Very beautiful and wise words…
Thanks Cat.. I think so too really made me feel better 🙂