I heard these words tonight and it sickened me.
"September 1st is the opening day in Japan
for the dolphin killing season.
I understand that different cultures have different
ideas of our gifts here on earth.
Under NO.. circumstances is making money from our creatures
whom are gifts and part of our Eco system is a reason for
killing DOLPHINS..
Catching dolpins for sale to theme parks and then
killing the rest.. WHY ??? for food .. food they don't
need from Dolphins..
I did a post a few years ago about "FIN SOUP"
the same country and same reason only it was
I am watching now on Animal Planet a show called,
"Blood Dolphins"
I had no idea this was going on and I am scared to think
for the length of time it has been a "RITUAL"
I am posting this video which is hard to watch in some parts
but a message I am compelled to get out to all whom visit
my blog and to those who will pass it along to get it
to stop..
Thank you for reading and feeling "THEIR" pain.
Fatimah who loves her Earth.
Thank you Discovery Channel
and Earth Island.
I watched the documentary “The Cove” and cried my eyes out! Its an awful thing they do to those Dolphins, just awful!Not only that, but dolphin’s are being poisoned by murcury and their meat isn’t even edible, so they do thid for no reason at all!
Hi Cat.I know they said they have a high rate of murcury and notgood for human consumption. senseless killing and this is what infuriates me.Culture or not .. it has to stop!thanks for sharing :heart:
I’ve seen the cove and I couldn’t help but cry but I still managed to watch the whole thing. The only way to stop the Japs is to torture them the same way they torture the dolphins.
HiAaluer,I am scared to watch the “COVE” the Blood Dophin”was hard and I am sure the COVE is worse. Some people just don’t get it.. and when the worldcomes to it’s climax then they will see .. for sure. thanks for sharing and reading :heart:Fatimah