Snow stories

Being stuck home in snow storm after snow storm
I wanted to have some laughs on others whom are
in the same situation.

Here is one funny video taker.. who is in NYC
and seems to enjoy what he does and give us all
some LOLs..


5 Replies to “Snow stories”

  1. Probably hundreds of situations like these during this weather, Thanks for sharing a couple……Being home bound could be nice as long as you are warm and cozy, have food, drink and entertainment.:coffee:

  2. thanks DaveI have seen cars full of snow and only a hole cut out for their line of sight .. go figure :((I think the storm is over now yayyyyyyyyyyy

  3. When I see cars like that, I come up slowly, tap their bumper slightly on one side or another and spin them out…………with the windows full of snow, they don’t know what or who?????Stay warm and cozy……….:coffee:

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