Gorilla School

My Friend sent me this link to a video in youtube
and she didn't tell me to have tissues handy 🙂

I can't stress enough about the bond between
the animal kingdon and humans.. it's pricelss
and so spiritual .

I also can't understand why animals can be so loving
and forgiving and yet HUMANS can't..

See foryourself.. how after 5 years the bond of
love only grew stronger.

Thanks goes out to Animal Planet for always
showing us "HUMANS" how to really love.

With Love Always,

5 Replies to “Gorilla School”

  1. Heartwarming, even makes a hard old guy like me blink a tear.The older I get, the more those emotions come round…….must be my feminine side emerging. :D:coffee:

  2. OMG you are so funny feminine side at your age gesh !It’s nice to know men do feel these kinds of things :)thanks for the information

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