I met this site on Facebook and clicked LIKE
after seeing their selections.
This site is more than a Movie base.. they are
friendly and offer contests and really do listen
to their fan base for suggestions and comments.
On this site also I met a great guy who like myself
likes streaming movies.. also John won an Ipad from
BigStar Tv.. just as the contest stated.
Unlike other movie sites..BigStar lets you get their
APP free and for subscribers you can view on your smart
phone Apple or Droid.. cool 🙂
$4.99 per month gets you unlimited movies and hours
of fun.. also the contests which www.bigstar.tv is BIG on 🙂
You can find them on any NetCast tv or Roku,
More companies are adding BigStar to their lineup.
This isn't a commercial it's a fan post.. BigStar
has made me member of the week and just recently John,
the friend I met on Facebook from BigStar,
gave to me his prize of free 3 months on BigStarTv.
What a kind generous man..
I got more than movies .. I received new freinds.
Thank you for reading and please visit
Bigstar and get a 30 day trial and enter
the contests.. they are lots of fun..
See you at the movies,