I am reading a book called ” The Heart of Abundance”
it’s very positive and uplifting.. Just a bit I would love to
share here with my readers..
Abundance is a Pink and Lavender Sky
Abundance is Stars on a clear night
Abundance is Watching Seasons Change outside my window
Abundance is Having enough for Today
Of course, I have added photos which are not in the book ..
Candy Paull is the author of The Art of Simplicity, The Art of Abundance, The Art of Encouragement, Christmas Abundance, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, 31 Days of Abundance, Inner Abundance.
What is your ABUNDANCE?
The fear of the most High God is my priority abundance and doing His will. To put smile in people’s faces is my abundanceTo bring justice to injustice of the oppressed is my abundanceTo heal the world of corruption with your support is my abundance. Seeing you (FATIMAT)my adopted mother and others using their skilsl and influence to restore the true LOVE among the man kind without RACISM and INFERIORITY COMPLEX is my abundance, mum. I missed and love ma:heart:
Thank you so much for all your kind words.. and for the heartwhich you hold laced in gold.. I often think sometimes, if everyone was kind to each otherand everyone was loving to our Earth we would be living inHeaven on Earth and it would be just the most wonderfulplace .. If only .. I like your abundance.. thank you for sharing and thank youfor caring. :heart: