A letter from Syria

 My beautiful Fatimah,

It is said the great essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love 

and something to hope for.It is my great happiness to  find opportunity to write to you,
hoping you this finds you and your family  in the best of health and good cheer.

Even When our  arms can’t reach people who are close to our heart, we can  always hug them
 with our thoughts and prayers. Because All The World  is meaningless without kind feelings
 and Love.

The value of things is not the time they last, but the intensity and emotional  authenticity with which they occur.  That is why there are unforgettable moments and unique people. 
The radiant sun is nothing but a big ball of fire that hovers above us.If not for love and the life  she brings to creatures on earth,what could the sunrise mean? 
And yet with love,even a candy wrapper can be put in a special golden box,
 even a torn ticket can be held with the highest regard.
 It is because our loved ones walked these streets,that we come back here  again
 and again.If anything is of much value,spend time and effort to care for it and
 nothing is of greater importance than our bond with the people we love.
As for me I am fine .I don’t wanna bother you with details But Still painful stories  here 
are the same .There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.  only a relentless cultivation
 of our ability to dream, to analyse and to captivate  can prevent our personality from degenerating into nothing or else into a personality  like all the rest.We must don’t let 
people pull us into their storm but we pull  them into our peace.
 In the end If we cannot show a picture of life in which even pain, hardship and  
death are meaningful and belong to a larger whole, then we cannot rehabilitate
  human existence.
Rumi once said”If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it.
 Those are not in love with God will see only their own face in it”  
 Stupid dictatorships and ruthless fanatics and their alliances in my country and  in 
the entire region don’t see in others supposed their fellow citizens even  their  own 
faces ,their human attributs. The result :entire societies are collapsing, cities fully 
destroyed and religiously  cleansed. Personaly that what I expect along ago from 
combination of fanatiscism  and dictatorship.We can’t harvest grapes from a thorn
bush and figs aren’t found  on thistle weed “Jesus said.
I heard  the news that winter storm hit parts of northeast of america with heavey  snow.
I don’t know if the storm hits your home state.I hope you are safe and  please be carful in traffic.  
 Also a month ago  my country hits by heaviest snowfall in decades and the world  became
 suddenly  quiet, subdued and fragile, until the neighborhood children  came out to break
  the stillness with their tracks and shouts and joy. I remembered such days from  my own 
childhood in the mountains.The world, for a few short hours, transformed.  
I let you in the arms of  the angels. 
With Hug & love