I gave my notice to resign from my employer after 9 years of dedicated service and instead of hearing Congrats, I hear WTH.
My supervisor freaked out as I thought she would since I work in 3 states and now she has to hire 4 people to do what 1 person, myself was doing for 9 years.
I believe in what goes around comes around, the company treats people like disposal diapers and they expect more? Corporations are becoming much harder to be dedicated to. I hear it in all the stores I work in and it’s the same story, one by one they all say the same just in a different way.
People ask me what will I do with my free time, I state this, ” Things that make me happy, work not being one of them “
I have moved to a senior housing which my rent goes by my income and the electric and cable is included so why keep driving 25K miles a year for a company which looks at you as a number not a human.
I found 3 people whom can be hired and trained for my job and glad I made the effort to work until April 30th. I can leave without looking back and looking forward to my gym time and reading time and my writing time.
Vivaldi. watch for more from me, I will have the time and mind to create another wonderful blog as I did on Opera. Please give us the tools to design as we did on Opera
Thanks for reading and keep looking up.. we are all going there one day.
in love and light,