Journeys Crossroad

I have traveled for 3 years,
flying back and forth from USA to Egypt.
I live in the Desert of Dreams
where dreams do come true
however not all.

Dreams of the main kind,
the dream I moved there for,
the reasons and beliefs.

The new ME 2006

I am now living back in USA for good
and rebuilding my business once more
and moving forward in my life.
Happy to be back in my mother country
and feeling alive again
also seeing smiles on peoples faces
and hearing them in their voices.

Disclaimer …

On My blog there is partical nudity, I use sensual photos to illustrate the music which is partial what this blog is about..
If you do not like or want to see partial nudity then please do not read my blog.
Not all posts contain or is with partial nudity photos.
I do write about other subjects.
Consider yourself warned!!!!!!

151 Replies to “Journeys Crossroad”

  1. HI Kay, I am honored to have you read my journal and my postings, thank you. Yes ! If it weren’t for the net I would not be here. Is that a good thing? I was at a Canadian private school yesterday for a job interview and they asked me how I ended up in Egypt from Brooklyn NY. I said, “it was my bad luck or maybe a punishment” haha. I really don’t think this I am sure there is a huge reason and who knows when I will be exposed to it.
    As a tourist it’s a magical confusing place, however as a city dweller with heart, it’s torchure and I am still after 3 years trying to adjust to the cruelity I see daily here. Just today I was watching a favorite show called, Global Tracker, it’s a BBC production and the track was in Egypt, I got to see places I am very familiar with and those I have not traveled to yet and maybe in the future I will. Luxor and Aswan are the most famous and spiritual locations here in Egypt check it out on the net. Again Kay, Thank you for getting intouch I am thrilled to hear from you and to read your words :):happy:

  2. HI again Lokutus,
    I am happy to hear you won’t be coming during the hot months. Just today there was a bomb blast in a local toursit attraction I have been getting messages of ” ARE YOU OK?” I was suppose to go to an Embassy party today and due to a head ache I stayed home, thank G I had this headache, since the police and army will be out looking for this motorcylist bomber the traffic will be unreal. I will email you and you can email me as well. Thank you for your travel plans. I see that Costa Del Sol area in Spain is wonderful. I wouldn’t mind retiring there . 🙂

  3. HI
    thank you for reading my words. Do you see the other posts I have written? I am new to this journal thingy so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, I have read your page and see you have a vast knowledge.
    Thank you .

  4. Hello Lokutus, yes, I have seen your postings on sites I have posted and I really do appreciate your wonderful and brillant mind and words. I am happy to hear you will be taking a trip down the Nile, it’s very romantic and full of history. Just don’t come in the summer months the heat will be unbearable. The best time is NOW 🙂 Today it was 87,and comfortable. June thru Sept. is HOTTTTTTTTTT OUCH HOT ! My first and only summer here I was sweating in places I didn’t know was possible to sweat. IMAGINE 🙂
    Luxor and Aswan are the magical locations I have yet to experience them however, maybe one day I will.
    Thank you again for all your wonderful postings and giving me a few minutes of mind wandering and seeing things thru your eyes. Welcome to Egypt.

  5. Hi Dan, Thanks for reading and showing interest. reply if you like open dialog always works.

  6. I just read all of your posts and I am looking forward to learning more about you! The Internet is a marvelous tool that allows people to come together that otherwise would have never met.

    You in Egypt and I in Florida is incredible!

    I can’t wait to hear more about the place that is on my list of places to visit. Egypt has always been an place of magic and mystery. You call it a Desert of Dreams and I can agree with that. One day I will see the great pyramids!

  7. HI!

    Thanks for the DVD reply, I do use WinDVD, unfortunately it only works on Windoze. That’s why I have to look for a Linux option 🙂

    I have a friend named German, who has an Internet café called “el escriba”. He’s the biggest Egypt fan I’ve ever known and he’s been there once. He always tells us stories and he writes tales about Egypt.

    It was a great surprise and very pleasant to meet someone actually living in Egypt, even if it’s only part time 🙂

  8. HI you are welcome I thought I would be helping you out I guess it was a try. I could enjoy Cairo too if I was working more and having good friends and for a guy it’s easier. I will ask about something for linux for you 🙂 Thanks for writing

  9. Hello zenya, lovely to hear from you and I thank you for your generous comments:) Thanks for reminding me about the “best time” to visit, but me and my wife will be going to Madrid (her home city), Spain, on April 12 and will be there until May 10, then we plan to go to one oo the Greek islands (we visit a different one each year in May, and celebrate her birthday while we are there)….. so it looks as if our Egypt trip will be after September time. Email me if you wish to keep in regular contact as well as by journal, Look at my profile -you will find the email address up there.
    Best wishes,
    lokutus 🙂

  10. Forgive me, zenya, I have been remiss in posting comments to your site, since I first visited you in March -although as you will know I have ‘inter-acted’ with you, in comments on another journal site here. I will rectify this and add your link to mine. I have visited the places you mention, including sailing through the Suez Canal, several times, but long ago when I was a much younger man. My wife and I are planning on taking a week or two on a ‘Nile’ boat sometime soon. I have a special interest in Egyptology but we would go anyway. Egypt’s 5000 year history is both remarkable and inspiring. I salute your courage and your hard work and give you my best wishes and am glad that we have such a community here (Opera) that ‘brings together’ people like you and our good friend K4 and many others.

  11. Hi Everare are dreams that come true in totality. Would you say that you are on a journey within rather than on airplanes?


  13. Hey Eve!..Yeah, the music is great. Keep checking my page, if you want more tips on good music ;)And you are living in Egypt – Exciting! I’ve always wanted to go there.Baz

  14. Zenya, thank you for your nice comment. You really have a wonderful life adventure. Love your pics of Egypt.

  15. Hey there,Just dropping by to say thank you for the comment on my page. :)Egypt looks beautiful. One of my friends, and his family, come from Egypt – yet I’ve never been. I’d love to though. I think it should be added to my list of countries to visit for when I go travelling in a few years.Regards,

  16. Wow, pretty exciting stuff ^_^ Thanks for visiting my brand new blog too..though you make me feel bad. Everyone has these wonderful insightful blogs and mine is like ‘ate pizza.slept.woke up’ lol I’ll be adding you to my friends if that is ok?

  17. We live for our dreams. It might be a good thing if some dreams can not come true, for we may lose our expectation and motivation given all the dreams realized. Please go on with our comely writing, the more dreams that you bring to realization, the more joys we, your friends will have.

  18. We live for our dreams. It might be a good thing if some dreams can not come true, for we may lose our expectation and motivation given all the dreams realized. Please go on with our comely writing, the more dreams that you bring to realization, the more joys we, your friends will have.

  19. Zenya,You mentioned you would like to travel other places. You might like to take a look at the Mayan Ruins near Cozumel Mexico. They haven’t been to overun with tourist and a rather good and if you get the right guide you can learn a lot more about the Mayan’s and their livestyle.When I dig the photo’s I have of the area will post them on my site hopefully by then you will be able to see the photo’s. You have a wonderful area and very intersting reading I would say. Thanks for the wonderful work.Ray

  20. “Sue Egypt” is my youngest racoon’s nickname; which, shan’t i admit, is a li’l far-fetched asides the point… But hEy!;!;! i merely/merrily felt like saying “hi folks, whatever you dream!” jAn paQet, nEw-froG-on-tHe-bloG veuillez excuser mon anglais.. . . . :cat: Sayonara ?

  21. I live in the Desert of Dreams where dreams do come true however, not all. Dreams of the main kind, the dream I moved here for, the reasons and beliefs.Era un niño que soñaba
    un caballo de cartón.
    Abrió los ojos el niño
    y el caballito no vio.
    Con un caballito blanco
    el niño volvió a soñar;
    y por la crin lo cogía…
    ¡Ahora no te escaparás!
    Apenas lo hubo cogido,
    el niño se despertó.
    Tenía el puño cerrado.
    ¡El caballito voló!
    Quedóse el niño muy serio
    pensando que no es verdad
    un caballito soñado.
    Y ya no volvió a soñar.
    Pero el niño se hizo mozo
    y el mozo tuvo un amor,
    y a su amada le decía:
    ¿Tú eres de verdad o no?
    Cuando el mozo se hizo viejo
    pensaba: Todo es soñar,
    el caballito soñado
    y el caballo de verdad.
    Y cuando vino la muerte,
    el viejo a su corazón
    preguntaba: ¿Tú eres sueño?
    ¡Quién sabe si despertó!Tr.Mach:He/she was a boy that dreamta cardboard horse.He/she opened the eyes the boyand the hobbyhorse didn’t see.With a white hobbyhorsethe boy dreamt again;and for the mane he/she caught it…Now you won’t escape!He/she had hardly caught it,the boy woke up.He/she had the closed fist.The hobbyhorse flew!The very serious boy stayedthinking that it is not truea dreamt hobbyhorse.And he/she no longer dreamt again.But the boy became youngand the waiter had a love,and to their lover he/she told him:Are you really or not?When the waiter became oldhe/she thought: Everything is to dream,the dreamt hobbyhorseand the horse really.And when the death came,the old one to their hearthe/she asked: Are you dream?Who he/she knows if he/she woke up!Poema de Antonio Machado.Recitación: Onán Istha.

  22. Ahh. Very nice. I have long dreamed of going to the desert. A real sand desert like Sahara. And to Egypt, the land where my faith comes from… You are so lucky!

  23. Very interesting …….. I like read your ideas. I don’t well speak and write an English language but I like read Your……

  24. Dear Zenya,Thanks for adding me as friend!:)I have been here for quite a while.Liked you post pictures,blogs and some other new music besides the arabic night.It was great!I will come and leave comment one by one with my feeling on each of them.Thanks for share such beautiful thing.:)Loved the picture below the Aquatic Dance.wav that my favorite color is red and music super contrasted the picture!I Luv it!:cheers:’Wishing Angel sing from the heaven for us and regard us to Almighty in our hearts’Amy

  25. HI Amy,Thank you for being a part of my blog and loving too the work I do here as it’s not easy or quick.I love sharing and the music is from my heart as is the photos.Thank you for your loyality also it inspires me to keep going.LoveEve

  26. ‘Angel,you keep singing.We keep listening’:heart: You are welcome!I will come here time to time for your new postsBlessing,Amy

  27. We are nothing but in the hand of the creature.He who flies at night,in his thought he is ontop of the world but one day shall the lord Jesus come to fool fling beings.Well like i always say,I am not afraid of the bees when the honey is there,if i am afraid of the bees how can i get the honey.Phone number +2348037375091.Deer

  28. Egypt is such a remarkable place, and I envy you having only visited Egypt once for less than a fortnight. As you know, I have been in a number of other midlle eastern and north african countries, but my journey to Egypt 17 years ago (is it really that long) is a highlight.

  29. hi Eve,of course i dont mind if you use my photos in your postings. thank you for visiting my page, you are always welcome. Michael

  30. HI Colin,I did go to your blog however, it’s in Chinese and I don’t read or understand all those lines 🙁 You will have to teach me :)Eve

  31. Donk! Donk! Donk! Hi Eve!!! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! My arm!!! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! It’s killing me!!! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk! Donk!

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