I found a GEM among Journals

HI all,

I was looking thru Dukibean journal listings and found this one. http://my.opera.com/strongspirit/journal/

I couldn't believe that no one or hardly anyone posted to her journal.

Annet is her name and I found her to be full of so much life and spirit and I wanted to share her with all of you.

I also visited her websight and confirmed my feelings ………she is truely blessed.

I am hoping to learn from her words and life how to make my way of thinking and living better.

Annet is from the NL and I know life there is much differnt than USA or Egypt.

Gosh I just love technology … don't you ? 🙂

Enjoy Annet as I do.


19 Replies to “I found a GEM among Journals”

  1. hi eve,

    thanks for your comment on my journal… How could I ever forget about you guys???

    I’ve been looking though this girl’s journal and it’s really interesting, and yes, i do love technology, we all can know how life’s in MX, NL, NY, FL, etc… y todo al alcance de su mouse

  2. HI Kay,

    Thanks for adding her I feel she is a golden nugget we shouldn’t miss out on 🙂

    I am ok now that I am in my own bed and no voices in my head …. yet.

    I went back to work and they were very happy to see me as they are very busy and they really needed me thank G.

    How are you doing? I have foward you some funny things I hope you don’t mind?

    Take care and thanks again,


  3. HI Dan,

    Why hasn’t anyone posted to her journal? I really found her words so refreshing.

    I am glad you read it too 🙂 we all can see how she balances her life so well.


  4. Eve,
    I’ve read her journal.
    I now share the same opinion with you.
    Annet’s journal is now part of my current readings. 🙂
    Thanks for the hint,

  5. HI EZ,

    Wow so you read her journal too 🙂 what a nice blend we all have don’t you think?

    I too love technology and never can learn enough.

    Nice to see you again,


  6. Eve,

    I love the funny things you send to me in email. Sorry I don’t respond to most of them, but I am getting them and loving them.

    I am doing great at this time. I will keep you posted.


  7. Thanks for the tip, Eve. I read Annet’s journal and I have added her to my list of “Journals I read every day,”

    How are you?


  8. Hello Eve,Annet seems to have stopped posting. But before she has posted a lot of stuff. I applied for being her “friend”. Maybe she’ll read that. Tomorrow I’ll be in Salzburg. That’s something else for a day. :)See youElmar

  9. HI Elmar,I hope you take photos :)I will miss you enjoy your time and don’t forget have a cup of coffee for me ok? :)Sleep well and safe journeyEve

  10. HI Elmar,I had both today with my grandson who is 14. I will look for your posting. Thanks for sharing with me 🙂 Eve who is happy to see you

  11. Hello Eve,I took ice cream instead of coffee. 😉 And I’ll post something about Salzburg.Keep wellElmar

  12. I promise to post something but I have smaller problems to get the pics onto my notebook. I didn’t use my own camera.Thanks for your interestElmar

  13. I was just goint to write to you :)look what I just found .. http://my.opera.com/imranac/blog/show.dml/190737Check out this movie I think you will be interested in it as I am :)I have pics in my camera phone and I cant email them to my yahoo. it’s upsetting since I took them for a friend who loves trains.will your friend email you the pics? Let me know what you think of this movie ok? I am downloading in now:) dvd rip

  14. Hello Eve,Now I know what you were talking about! 🙂 Have a look at my latest post. I had the camera here but I had some driver problems. Hmm, Elmar Driver had driver problems… ;)So longElmar

  15. HI Elmar,you are so funny thats a good one 🙂 I am going now to your blog to see it.thanks for telling me 🙂 driver having problems:)

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