The March of the Penquins

This movie has a lot to offer and to send us into our own exsistance.

While seeing this movie my mind was reflecting back to the life we as humans have.

Penquins are dedicated to eachother and family.. they are programed < DNA> to go thru the rituals of mating and laying the egg all this after they walk 70 milesand then the female transferring the egg to the male while she goes off to feed.

The males stay in one location suffering the coldness and the blizzards still keeping the egg under their pouch so it will hatch.

Such suffering and dedication is wonderful to see.. It's so differnt from us humans… how much do we endure in a relationship?? Would we suffer in hardships waiting for our mate to return ? Would we bare the hardships?

My sister asked me during the movie about humans, were we at one time this way?

I explained to her that the difference between humans and animals are… Humans were given FREE WILL..

Just think if animals had free will .. the end of natural occurances would end.. Just as it has for some of the humans such as family bonds, traditions, dedication.. I am not saying there isn't any totally however, there is less now than in the 50s and before that..

Women stayed home to raise the children and the men went to work.. children didn't have to have a KEY for the house. Mom was there in most cases.

Free will is a gift and what one does with it sets their evolution.

Such love I have felt in this movie…so much strength and happiness and also sadness..

Experience the magic..



17 Replies to “The March of the Penquins”

  1. HI K,

    I really feel this is a movie you will enjoy too since you love life and all that it holds like I do. πŸ™‚

    I really do want to see it again in English since I am sure they give you alot of insight on the species and how far they do walk to lay their eggs I heard it was 70 miles.

    I am getting better thank G.. my physical therapist is doing magic with my muscles and not to mention his magical hands πŸ™‚

    It’s nice to be touched again πŸ™‚ oH naughty me lol

    How are you doing ?


  2. … think many people would bear the hardships and would choose instead to move on. Free Will is a gift or a curse, and maybe it is even an illusion. I think I have raised this question in a previous post because part of me thinks that we don’t really have choices – we just think we do πŸ™‚

    I think I must watch out for this movie – it sounds like it could be quite a good one!


    P.S. I think in most cases it is always the males who suffer πŸ˜‰ hee hee!

  3. HI Q,

    I am happy to see you are reading my journal too πŸ™‚ thank you so much.

    I didn’t see this movie as sad but how hard life is for those without free will.

    I really loved the documentary of these huge Penquins ..

    If you get Emule you can download it for free and see it via pc or make a dvd if you have a burner.

    I didnt see this movie Koyaanisqatsi, what is it about?

    I always look at life in 2 dimentions, comparing the lives, trying to see what I might learn from others.

    Life is learning. you are never to old πŸ™‚

    thanks for wandering over,


  4. So true – Free will is a gift.

    Use it wisely… But be sure to enjoy it as well.


  5. HI EZ,

    You will be surprised how wonderful these guys are and you will learn alot from this movie..

    Let me know what you think ok?


  6. HI JCL,

    I really was inspired by this movie and putting people in the place of the penquins and feeling the love and dedication they have for eachother .. when you see this movie you will see what I mean.. the bills touching as our hands touch and the whispers to eachother is so amazing.

    Why do you feel we don’t have choices? I know we don’t in all facets of our lives but in most we do.

    Please see this movie and let me know your feelings


  7. HI Strobe,

    I try to enjoy the free will as long as I don’t slip.. oppps πŸ™‚


  8. HI Sarah,

    A good point to raise here..

    As a working woman most of my life. I find it to be very good for me to work even when I was rasing my 5 children.

    It’s an outlet for me and also I get bored fast in day to day routines. I feel every mother needs an outlet of some sort and a change of sceanery too. I feel women can lose themselves if they only stay home for the childrens sake and they don’t take time for themselves.

    My American friend who lives in Egypt she has 3 children and the youngest is 7, she stays home never works and wow she did lose herself all together.. I tried to show her how getting involved in something not necessary work but a hobby or crafting will give her something to look forward to eachday and make her feel she has a purpose. She never took my advice and is depressed all the time and taking meds for it.

    Today she is coming to USA for a visit to see her mother and brother for the first time in 7 years. I am so happy for her to make this decission and even this was hard for her to do .I will go to New York City in Sept to meet up with her and spend the day enjoying the city together. I do miss our fun times together since we have the same thoughts aobut living in Egypt.

    Some women are really ok with staying at home with the kids however, they do find busy work for their minds so they don’t lose focus on thier purpose, and also those people really don’t have a money problem. This is the other side of the coin, the money.

    I stayed home with my number 5 and it took me a year to say ENOUGH OF THIS.. I need to get back to work.

    I worked in jobs in the begining of my motherhood where I could take them with me and being sorta independant I did. It was fun and they learned alot of working for yourself also.

    Then when I had my first son, I started to work in a nursey school so he would be able to go too. this cut down on baby sitters and then as they got older I worked the 3-11 shift so I didnt need a baby sitter.. it worked out good for the kids but not for the marriage since the husband at that time was not into Mr Mom when he came home at 3pm

    I hope you get my drift of this long essay Sarah.. the main thing is that you don’t lose yourself .. find the medium in all this balance is most important in raising a family and being a wife and mother and also a sister.

    Thank you for asking my point of view, it’s nice to feel needed

    Love you,

  9. I was interested in what you had to say more about women staying at home with the kids. What is your view on that? I will check back to see what you have to say about it. I just wanted to add, it would be wonderful if all men were as dedicated as the male penguin! I could not imagine! What a hoot that would be, to me, I find it funny.


  10. I heard about this film from a friend. Apparently it’s very sad. I want to see it, but I don’t know where it’s on round here, or if it is at all.

    Have you seen Koyaanisqatsi?

  11. Haven’t seen the movie, but recently found the trailer. After watching it and reading your post and all our friends’ comments I think I’ll go and find the DVD to watch it.

    It really sounds very educative πŸ˜‰

    I like penguins very much, since the mascot of Linux is">a penguin named Tux. While watching the trailer my mom said “OMG they’re just like people!”

  12. Hi Eve!Remember that you posted about the March of the Penguins?? Well, I’ve recently got to saw it, it was recently released to the cinemas here in MX and Pau had to do a report about it, so I saw it to help her because she had so much homework that day.All I can say is that I liked it very much, it was nicer than I expected from your post (and believe me, I had great expectations). So… a late thank u for your penguins post. Great movie (:

  13. Hi Eve,I’ve heard a lot about this movie. And I missed to see it until now. I might try to get it on DVD.Thank you for so many different topicsElmar

  14. Hi again,Elmar I really do hope you get this movie it’s amazing and sad in a way but it’s nature.I was seeing the differnce of FREE WILL and no free will.This was the point I was making about the movie and when you see it keep in mind how humans were given FREE WILL where as nature has none.Thank you for reading and feeling me Eve

  15. The most amazing thing in this movie was when the egg was lost to the coldness during the transferration from the male to the female, the egg get damage. How much would the penguins suffer in this moment? I thiink not so much as us humans, because they understand better the mistery of life: life=sacrifice. I think they say herself:”let try it next year again!” Because life means love and sacrifice and this movie are showing us this things in a wonderful way what our DNA or Godwill -programming is.

  16. OH MY GOD YOU SEE IT TOO :)You are the first person who sees it the way I did.. Its fREE WILL what we have and they don’t have it.. I am amazed that you see and feel what I did in this movie.Thank you so much for sharing with me I am so happyEve

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