The Books Journey Final Chapter

I thought you all might like to know the outcome of this magical book, "Gleanings from the Desert of Arabia"

I had it listed on Ebay and before posting it on Ebay I did a lot of research and found some people connected to the illustrator and the Arabian Horse organizations.

I happen to email the right person whom was very interested in this book since he is on the board of The Homer Davenport Conservancy. 🙂

He took my email to the board and they offered me an amount which I couldn't refuse and soon this magical book will take it's final journey home.

I do believe this book was placed in my path for me to make the money from it and also to send it home. A win win situation.

Thank you all for your wishes for me and now I am asking for more wishes for my future which is up in the air, not knowing what's best for me anymore and facing it alone again .


4 Replies to “The Books Journey Final Chapter”

  1. Eve, dear friend, this is such good news! I know that you have spent much time researching the origins of the book and it seems that your work is paying off (no pun intended) now, and that’s as it should be. It’s a strange feeling isn’t it? -finding a book that immediately ‘grabs’ one’s heart and mind in a ‘certain manner’, to the extent that it’s sometimes hard to let go of the book, but when that decision has to be made it’s also a satisfaction to know that the new owner will be the ‘right’ owner; someone or some organisation that will take good care of the book, not just for its ‘monetary value’, although that is a sound reason for doing so, to protect an investment, but for its ‘intrinsic value’ too, so that the book and its ‘worldly value’, per se, is preserved. The latter is often the most important of the two ‘values’.Well done, dear friend -well done indeed!As to your final comment? -I am aware of your burden and your worry and I continue to hold out my hand, clasping yours, so that you may know that you have another friend who cares very much about what is happening to you. Be strong, dear Eve, your courage may falter sometimes, but I will keep alight the flame of HOPE for you. I know its flickering light shines for you. It will not go out as long as you continue to believe in yourself and to know that we, your friends, care about you.Lovelokutus

  2. Hello my sweet L,I have missed your gentle words and offerings of HOPE.. the light has been dim since your absence :(The book brought to me enough money for a car and when I buy this car I can get my business back up and running and also work doing other things.Staying in USA is the hard part. My heart has been broken again and I am left to pick up the pieces .I thank you for your kindness and your love.Love to you sweet L,Eve

  3. Hi Eve.I know this is no longer news to you, but please, remember that any time you need me for anything, I’ll be there. ;)Love,Danps.: any decision taken by yourself (which comes from the heart – that I learnt from you) will be the rightious one.

  4. HI Dan,You are so wonderful to me and I do appreciate you and your words of wisdom back at me :)You make me feel that my exsistance is for something other than heartbreak.Thank you always for being there for me.Love Eve

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