Does it pay to be selfish?

HI all,

I have been pondering this question for a while now.

Looking back over the past years and relationships, I have seen a pattern not just with me but with other people whom are givers.

The givers are the losers, the selfish are the winners.

I don't know how to be selfish, I care about others, animals, nature. how does one not? How does one not give? How does one just keep taking?

I just don't get it.. Can someone explain this to me?

Is there a course on Selfishness?? I think I will sign up for one πŸ™‚

Eve always giving and will probably never stop.

with love

18 Replies to “Does it pay to be selfish?”

  1. A bit of advice. Selfishness never pays off, it only gives the illusion of doing so. I firmly believe the more you give the more you get in the end. It has been my expiriance this is true, while you may need to be patient. I believe the word I’m looking for is karma, or something to that nature. I also figured I’d return the favour of your comment on my blog, partially to show even though I may rant and rave to the extreme at times, there’s alot more to me. Ranting and raving is just fun and good for letting it all out. Now back to the karma thing, I suppose to a point I believe, then again I won’t hide the fact I’m wiccan. That in itself would serve to explain some of what I’ve said here.

  2. Hi again,I do believe in Karma as I have written about it in my blog before however, how does one stop losing to the takers and how does one stop giving?I know they are will face the maker and have to answer why why why.. I leave it to God.. I am just tired of loving and giving and losing.Wiccan, how intersting, do you hack too? πŸ™‚ I am looking for a email hacker baddddddddd :)Thank you for reading and caring to reply to me. I won’t change my way of living due to JERKS, this is for sure.,I will be careful in the future.Ranting is great I do this from time to time too.Eve

  3. Do I hack? Well, before I answer that I should consider possible risks. In public I’ll neither confirm nor deny the answer. My question is why would you need e-mail hacked? I’ll leave you with that question for now and give you a chance to get back to me on that. I’ll leave you with a clue, I wear a white hat.

  4. HI again,Sorry for asking, and nice to see your white hat.I have a girl friend who can’t get into her email and wanted to get back into it.. I think someone hacked her email and changed the password.this is the reason I asked. Sorry if I offended you.Eve

  5. Now thats a legitimate reason if someone else hacked it and changed the password however hacking the hacked account to regain control should be a last resort. No offense taken either. If I where you’re friend I’d contact the provider and explain it to them and see what they can and/or are willing to do. Usually the reason e-mail accounts get hacked is because they have weak passwords, which are easily guessed.

  6. HI,she did this and it’s been months and she had saved emails and now she can’t access them told her there isn’t anything she can do .I had this happen to me on icq years ago, I was a beta tester for ICQ when it first came out and I had a low number which to one man I knew was something he envied and after a while I lost that number and to this day never got it back.When I wrote to the person who had my number they never replied to me .. funny that person had the same name as my so called friend … kinda dumb huh?Thanks anywayEve

  7. HI Eve, I am here looking for that dream post that you told me about. And I read about the girlfriend of yours trying to get her yahoo email back. I have to tell you, there was a so called “friend” of mine in India who hacked my yahoo, it was an easy thing to do he said. Anyway, he trusted me as well and gave me his password, well, I deleted his account and then deleted my own to be safe and “fair”.But, that said, she has probably lost her yahoo account…they are easy to hack for those who know what they are doing..I know. lolAbout being selfish and giving, I believe that God has given us each gifts and what you are is what you are, plainly said. I don’t think that someone can change from being selfish to giving or visa-versa.Good Luck with that….I am also giving….(sometimes) hehe :)Love, Sarah

  8. I guess it depends on how you view winning and losing. The selfish and the cheaters may win out in terms of superficial success, and they may even think they’re happy – but it’s a pretty safe bet they are not.I live my life as honestly as I can, and I offer myself and whatever meager talents I have to those who need them. I’ve been taken advantage of from time to time, but it doesn’t seem to have harmed me in the long run. πŸ™‚ Of course, it is a different playing field where long term relationships are involved. There has to be give and take, but if you give and there’s no giving back, you’re probably not at much of a loss as long as you realize it in time and do something about the situation.Best advice I can offer – just follow your heart, it will not lead you astray. Whether you believe in Heaven or Hell, karmic repayment, or nothing remotely close, I still think it’s the best policy to trust your gut. Doing so has always served me well. πŸ™‚

  9. HI Hockman,IN my heart I know I am a better person for being a giver and caring about humanity and nature and all that God gave us to care and love.It just hurts so much when you give to those whom don’t deserve it or take it and it’s not given back even in a small way.I know the dark evilness of selfishness will catch up those who possess it. I guess I have to wait for God to judge.Thank you for your caring and readingEve

  10. Hi eve, i will comment your words with the words from Leo Tolstoi:Alles nimmt ein gutes Ende fΓΌr den, der warten kann.Everything takes a good end for that, which can wait.Maybe, this can a little bit donate comfort :)Greetings from GermanyElke

  11. HI Sarah,thanks for reading and I will take your advice as I am others here I will be me and just becareful to whom I give anything to at least a part of me that is.Love youEve

  12. HI Elke,Thank you for reading and offering some comfort, and yes you words do help. I will gain in the end this is for sure. I haven’t strayed from my God as he has, and his dark soul and mind will be punished sadly enough.I guess I am the winner after all :)Thank you for reading,Eve

  13. HI Hoch and Elke,thank you for reading and offering your words which I am honored to read.I do believe what you both say, I won’t change due to someone elses dark behavoiur this is a fact. I love ME as I am and I know my caring and loving is the right not the taking and keeping.Bless you both and thanks for your friendship.:)Eve

  14. HI Thank you for reading and sharing,, I know how much it hurts and it becomes stale after awhile.the givers give and the takers take, like tug of war it never ends.where do we the givers draw the line?I love who I am and I won’t change I will keep giving however, not all of me :)Eve

  15. Its funny. I was thinking the exact same thing. I don’t mind being selfless and giving but it really hurts when someone dear misinterprets that selflessness as selfishness. It has happened with me and it hurts and it made me think if i should be that selfless

  16. Hello Eve, About the selfish and losser always finishing last. I just finished reading the Bible for myself and dumped out all I hade ever been taught about how I was to understand the bible and I came up with Gods help wisdom and knoledge beyound my selfish being. We are to give because all are loosers without Gods devine leading. We can do knothing of are owne, Fact Can’t change that because of are faied state. Selfish the word is from self and fish. Fish in the bible is always used when Jesus is trying to see that we all are fish needing caught and changed into new creatures being reborn into Gods children. I know this is deep but it is real. And backed up by the word. Read the word for youself and love all you meet.

  17. hello Letter,Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing with me I am happy you did read the Bible in full now do yourself justice and read the Quran if you really want to hear GOD speak .I know both the Bible and the Quran and giving is the best way however, there is a limit to how much one can keep giving and not feeling good about what one is giving. I hope this works for you and I have learned now since writing this post.. It does pay to be selfish to a POINT .. I am an over giver due to the love I need to feel from my giving however, this has changed since most people I give to are only TAKERS and not giving in return.,IN love and lightEve

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