December 26, 2001

Rember.. life .. love.. dreaming..

Remember Now

4 years ago I stepped off the plane in Egypt and got married..

Today I remember now.. all of the events that led up to that time..

We talked today about remembering it all..

the life,
the love
the goals
and dreams..
and hopes

It still hurts.. he still says WAIT!! … he still says, "I love you so much ".

All these words doesn't help stop the pain and lessen the distance or cure his mind.

Remembering now……

I can still smile thru the tears and still dream..


10 Replies to “December 26, 2001”

  1. On’anA Spanish poet wrote (Calderón of the Boat): Although the memory usually dies at hands of the time, also usually revivir in front of the objects, mainly when they are for pain his agreements. “The one that suffers has memory” (Cicerón) and to lose the memory is to lose the trunk of memories of our life… the solution, dear friend, is to accept the sad moments because also they are part of our life. But a thing is to become sad by the lost thing… and another different affluent thing is to lacerate itself in the memory of the sad thing. If today it touches sadness, because sharing your pain here cause that that sadness is smaller, since your friends we shared it and we cleared a little to you her tomorrow… and, you do not forget, it will be a new sun and day of “nonpains”, but of joys… Promised?I do believe your words and I do know tomorrow the sun will raise and a new day with new hopes.. your promise will be kept..with loveEve

  2. Escribía un poeta español (Calderón de la Barca):Aunque suele la memoriamorir a manos del tiempo,también suele revivira vista de los objetos,mayormente cuando sonpara dolor sus acuerdos.”El que sufre tiene memoria” (Cicerón) y perder la memoria es perder el baúl de recuerdos de nuestra vida… la solución, querida amiga, es aceptar los momentos tristes porque también son parte de nuestra vida. Pero una cosa es entristecerse por lo perdido… y otra cosa bien distinta es lacerarse en el recuerdo de lo triste. Si hoy toca tristeza, pues compartiendo tu pena aquí haces que esa tristeza sea menor, ya que tus amigos la compartimos y te quitamos un poco de ella… y mañana, no olvides, será un nuevo sol y día de “no penas”, sino de alegrías… ¿Prometido?Un beso.

  3. Hi dear Eve!We need to remember and dream. The life sometimes can be more than a dream. When the Sun will really rise for you it’ll be a neverending dream!I believe in it.With love!G.

  4. Buenos días, querida Fátima, ¿cómo estás? Me preocupas un poco con tu repentina ausencia… ¿sabes? hoy hace aquí un día un tanto frío… en la sierra de Moratalla, el lugar en donde vivo, ha estado nevando durante toda la noche y ha amanecido todo blanco, de un blanco puro como las alas de los ángeles… como tus alas. Aún está el cielo encapotado, pero ya se adivinan los rayos del sol entre las nubes: es un día frío, pero celestial. Si tienes frío, querida Fátima, acércate a tus amigos, entre los que me incluyo, que miraremos por darte el calor que se puede dar desde la distancia: el cálido amor de la amistad…

    Un beso, querida Fátima, de tu incondicional amigo Onán.


    Good morning, dear Fátima, how are you? You worry me a little with your sudden absence… do you know? today here one day ago a so much cold… in the mountain of Moratalla, the place where I live, has been snowing during the whole night and all target has dawned, of a pure target as the wings of the angels… as your wings. The overcast sky is still, but the sunbeams are already guessed among the clouds: it is a cold, but celestial day. If you are cold, dear Fátima, come closer to your friends, among those that I include myself that we will look to give you the heat that one can give from the distance: the warm love of the friendship…

    A kiss, dear Fátima, of your unconditional friend Onán.

  5. Hi EveSometimes when we are going through painful times we also need to remember the good times – because if you think back on it (as you have said in your post) there are things to smile about. And even if you are going through a rough time now there will be things to smile about in the future 🙂 Keep your chin up, young’un (young one) there are still surprises left in store for you!love,JCL.P.S. I really like the look of your blog. Very appropriate!

  6. Hi eve. Whew! That’s a nice blog!…couldn’t agree more with JCL.When it comes to love I don’t really have any real advice other than my personal story so far which boils down to this Greek saying: “When a door closes, other doors open”. Mourn, feel sorry, break some plates, but you have to get up one morning and go on. By that I mean that you, sooner or later, wake up and realize that it’s beautiful to breath, to smell, to touch. Eros has a preference for people that appreciate the tiniest things…like a sunny day. Trust me. Your (what’s the male of fairy) is somewhere above you but you can’t go to him carrying the weight of your previous love. Hope I was usefull.Hope the best for you and your beloved ones 🙂

  7. HI Zerog,Yes your words do help and I have mourned and moved thru it and yet the ties that bind hold me back and this is where I have to cut them and be free to move forward.I live in two worlds, 2 countries but one body. It’s hard to readjust constantly and yet not ..thank you for your advice and your compliments of my blog.. It’s nice to meet you ..Your friend,Eve

  8. Thank you On’an for your gentle words and your unconditional friendship you know how much it means to me :)I really enjoyed the description of your town it sounds so peaceful.You are right my friend, the sun came up today and I walked to work knowing I do have love in my heart from you and others here in Opera. Thank you for giving me the sunshine and the warmth in my heart.with loveEve

  9. HI G,I thank you also for your words of encouragment I see now why you are a great artist :)LoveEve

  10. HI JCL,thank you always for your comforting words and I know you are right, I just have to be strong and move forward, I think I waited long enough it’s time for me now.I am happy you like the new look of my blog this is how I wanted it from the begining but didn’t know how to do it :(thanks for always being there loveEve

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